Corporate Management

Duration: 4 years (8 semesters)
ECTS: 240
Fields of study: Management of Enterprises of Various Organizational and Legal Forms, State and Municipal Management
Languages of instruction: Russian, English (on request)




The Bachelor's degree programme is focused on delivering deep theoretical knowledge in the field of management. As a result of the educational process the bachelor graduates should be able to apply fundamental knowledge in the field of management.

The Bachelor's degree programme provides profound teaching of management theory and practice leading students’ fundamental preparation readiness for the future profession.




On successful completion of the course, the graduates should be able to:

•    apply basic philosophical views to form a world outlook;
•    self-organize and self-study;
•    apply methods and means of physical training to ensure full-fledged social and professional activity;
•    render first aid and to apply protection measures at emergency situations;
•    find organizational and managerial solutions and to be responsible for them in terms of social importance of made decisions;
•    design organizational structures, participate in human resource management strategy development, plan and implement activities, distribute and delegate responsibilities and powers taking into account personal responsibilities for activities implemented;
•    make managerial decisions concerning organization’s operational (production) activities;
•    strategically analyze, develop and implement organization’s competitiveness ensuring strategy;
•    apply basic methods of financial management to evaluate assets, manage circulating capital, make investment and funding decisions, establish a dividend policy and capital structure, including when making decisions concerning operations in world markets in conditions of the globalization;
•    analyze correlations of companies’ functional strategies to prepare balanced managerial decisions;
•    manage projects, technological and product innovations implementation programs or organizational alteration programs;
•    supervise step-by-step the implementation of business plans and conditions of concluded agreements and contracts, coordinate activities of executives using methods of managerial decisions implementation in the field of functional management to achieve high coordination when implementing concrete projects and works;
•    assess economic and social conditions of business activities, search for new market opportunities and to develop new business models;
•    manage changes and innovations;
•    optimize projects and processes;
•    manage processes of organization’s reconstruction.




The graduates are capable of working at state authority bodies, banks and insurance companies, energy companies, investment funds, consulting companies, industrial enterprises, transport companies, and running their own business.

Дата создания: 16.10.2017 13:13
Дата обновления: 22.05.2020 15:53