Project news

Penza State University hosts the project-training “UN Model”

The students of the Institute of Law, who successfully completed the module “Protection of Human Rights within and across the European Union” under the ProEU project (granted by the European Union within Jean Monnet Actions in the Field of Higher Education), took part in organising and conducting the training with elements of the role-playing game “UN Model”. The multi-day training was arranged at Penza State University from 24 to 26 October 2022.

Grand opening of the semester within the School of Law "Academia Legis" takes place at PSU

On 7 October 2022, Penza State University hosted the grand opening of the semester within the School of Law "Academia Legis". As a part of this activity, the Winter School of Law "Academia Legis" will be also held for schoolchildren (14 - 18 February 2023). The grand opening was attended by the schoolchildren from Gymnasium No. 44, Modern Management Technologies Lyceum No. 2, Schools No. 7, 28, 67, 32 in Penza. Professor Gleb Sintsov, ProEU project manager, Doctor in Legal Sciences, presented the concept of the educational project to the participants, as well as overviewed the agenda of the Winter School of Law "Academia Legis". He summed up the results of implementing the module "Protection of Human Rights within and across the European Union" for the Bachelor law students.

First certificates within ProEU and EUSOSEL projects awarded to PSU students

Penza State University completed the first stage of the international project Protection of Human Rights within and across the European Union (ProEU) supported under the Erasmus+ Programme (Jean Monnet Module). At the Centre for Teaching and Learning Erasmus+, the project team represented by Gleb Sintsov, Evgenii Bitiutskii and Danil Feoktistov (ProEU project) designed the teaching and learning materials and developed the academic module for the students of the Institute of Law (PSU). On successful completion of the academic module “Protection of Human Rights within and across the European Union”, the students received the two-language certificates.

Students explore practices of enforcing federalism, operating ombudspersons and coordinating social security systems under ProEU and EUSOSEL projects

The new series of lectures and seminars was held for PSU students (Institute of Law) under the module “Protection of Human Rights within and across the European Union” within the ProEU project. Together with Evgenii Bitiutskii, PhD in Legal Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Law Enforcement, the students explored the federalism doctrines in the Russian Federation, the Kingdom of Belgium, the Republic of Austria and the Federal Republic of Germany. Danil Feoktistov, PhD in Legal Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Private and Public Law, introduced the students to the legal institute of the Ombudsperson (history of the emergence in Sweden, spread in Western Europe, competence and functioning features of the Ombudsperson, place of the Ombudsperson in the system of public authorities).

ProEU project: First training course held for PSU students

At the Centre for Teaching and Learning Erasmus+, the training course was organised for PSU students of the Institute of Economics and Administration within the ProEU project supported under the Erasmus+ Programme. All stages of the 8-hour course were held in the presence mode. During the training course, the ProEU project team familiarised PSU non-law students with the features of monitoring and protecting human rights in the European Union and the Russian Federation. The participants of the training course examined the major human rights institutions in the European Union and the Russian Federation and explored the most significant European and Russian human rights instruments and initiatives.

Justice Lesson as a game trial held for schoolchildren

On 12 May 2022, the Justice Lesson was arranged in the Institute of Law at Penza State University. the event was held in the form of a game trial. The organizers were the ProEU project team (Doctor in Legal Sciences, Professor Gleb Sintsov, Candidate in Legal Sciences Danil Feoktistov and Candidate in Legal Sciences Evgeny Bityutsky), Penza Regional Court, Office of the Judicial Department in the Penza Region and the Penza Regional Branch of the Russian Bar Association. The members of the ProEU project research team  and students of the module developed and conducted a game for schoolchildren. It was a trial, where the schoolchildren from School No. 7 represented the prosecution and the schoolchildren from V.O. Klyuchevsky School No. 28 represented the defense. The judges in the process were students of the Institute of Law.

Penza State University holds Parliamentarism Lessons for schoolchildren

On 27 April 2022, the Parliamentarism Lessons were held at Penza State University for the Penza schoolchildren. As part of the parliamentarism lessons, the experts in the field of European and Russian law spoke to the schoolchildren. The ProEU project manager, Doctor in Legal Sciences, Professor Gleb Sintsov highlighted the constitutional and legal aspects of European parliamentarism. The students of the Institute of Law, studying the module "Protection of Human Rights within and across the European Union" under the ProEU project, prepared interactive activities for the schoolchildren, during which they presented information in an interesting way about the basics of parliamentarism in the Russian Federation and in the European Union member states.

Roundtable debate under the ProEU project (Jean Monnet Module) held within the student conference "Start in Science"

On 25 April 2022, Penza State University hosted the roundtable debate "Role of advocacy as one of the most important civil society institutions in protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms in the European Union and in the Russian Federation: problems and prospects". The discussion of this important aspect of ensuring human rights was organised within the Jean Monnet Module project "Protecting human rights within and across the European Union" (ProEU). During the roundtable debate, the students of the Institute of Law (Penza State University), together with researchers and legal professionals, examined the most relevant aspects of the development of advocacy.

Pilot session "European practices of human rights protection" held as part of the conference "Modern Trends in the Development of Russian and Foreign Legislation"

Within implementing the ProEU project (Protection of Human Rights within and across the European Union), the conference "Modern Trends in the Development of Russian and Foreign Legislation" (on 8 April 2022) included the pilot session "European practices of human rights protection". During this conference session, the topical issues of human rights protection were examined. 15 reports were presented at the session by the students completing the module "Human Rights within and across the European Union", ProEU research team, as well as legal professionals in the field of human rights protection.

ProEU and EUSOSEL projects: Students study national features of referendum and models of social protection

Under the guidance of Gleb Sintsov, Doctor in Legal Sciences, Vice-Rector for International Affairs, Professor of the Department of Private and Public Law, the students examined the distinctive features and main reasons for calling referenda in various countries. During the lecture, they also analysed the peculiarities of organising referenda in the federal states (the Russian Federation, the Kingdom of Belgium, the Republic of Austria, the Federal Republic of Germany). Together with the teacher, the students managed to study the legal practice of establishing direct democracy in federal states and the prospects for introducing the best practices in other countries.

ProEU and EUSOSEL projects contribute to studying legal basis of referendum and evolution of social security law

While implementing the module “Protection of Human Rights within and across the European Union”, Gleb Sintsov, Doctor in Legal Sciences, Vice-Rector for International Affairs, Professor of the Department of Private and Public Law, introduced students to the historical and contemporary dimensions of referendum in the Russian Federation and the European Union. Recognizing the right to a referendum as part of the right to vote regardless of race, national origin, class, religion, gender, health or other status, students considered data on the process of calling and holding referendum in various states and presented the results in the form of reports.

ProEU and EUSOSEL projects gain momentum

Gleb Sintsov, Evgenii Bitiutskii and Danil Feoktistov continue implementing the module “Protection of Human Rights within and across the European Union”. The lectures and seminars were held on examining the European practices in monitoring and protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms within advocacy and law enforcement. The lectures were devoted to the system of criminal justice in the EU and principles of human rights-based law enforcement and advocacy in the EU.

Students study the module within the ProEU project

Danil Feoktistov, PhD in Legal Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Private and Public Law, conducted the first lecture and practical classes for the submodule “Human rights in international and European legal practice”. During the lecture, students explored the system of international legal standards in the field of protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms. They also observed the sources of law in the European Union and the main provisions of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.

Two Jean Monnet Modules launched at PSU

On 1 February 2022 Penza State University launches the project “Protection of Human Rights within and across the European Union” (ProEU) supported within the Erasmus+ Programme under the call Jean Monnet Actions in the field of Higher Education (Jean Monnet Module). At the Centre for Teaching and Learning Erasmus+, the project team represented by Gleb Sintsov, Evgenii Bitiutskii and Danil Feoktistov (ProEU project) will deliver the new module and familiarize students of the Institute of Law (PSU) with EU law and European human rights system.

PSU projects for the first time granted within the Erasmus+ Programme in Jean Monnet Actions

For the first time in the history of Penza State University entry in the Erasmus+ Programme under the call Jean Monnet Actions in the field of Higher Education Teaching and Research (since 2015), the projects for Jean Monnet Module were supported. PSU congratulates the team of the project Protection of Human Rights within and across the European Union (ProEU) Gleb Sintsov (project manager), Evgenii Bitiutskii and Danil Feoktistov.


Дата создания: 28.02.2022 15:55
Дата обновления: 03.02.2023 14:06