Cooperation with Lanzhou City University

The cooperation with Lanzhou City University (Lanzhou, PRC) started in 2011.

The main areas of cooperation:

•    Academic mobility of students and teachers/staff members
•    Implementing joint educational projects
•    Conducting joint events

The results achieved:

•    Four students of the Faculty of Computer Engineering, PSU, took part in the 15-days’ summer school "The Chinese language and culture" in June 2011. Within the framework of this programme, the students took a Chinese language course for beginners and had an introductory training in Wushu, Chinese calligraphy. They also got acquainted with the sights of Gansu province, China.

•    An agreement on cooperation was signed between Penza State University and Lanzhou City University in the field of the joint educational master's programme "Economics", course in "World Economy" in 2015.

•    The Department of International Relations is implementing a joint educational programme (network form) “Economics”, a course in “World Economy”. The first master’s degree students were enrolled in September 2015. Six people started their studies: Guo Yun, Li Feifei, Luo Hui, Ma Ming, Tsai Chenkai, Zhou Susu.

•    The second stage of master’s degree students’ enrollment on the programme "Economics", course in "World Economy", took place in September, 2017 Seventeen people started their studies: Zhang Nana, Zhang Shouzu, Zhu Min, Zhu Pengwei, Zhu Zhejiang, Gan Junjun, He Yuxue, Jin, Ma Hui, Wang Zhangyang, Zhang Ninning, Ye Tzuyu, Wu Min, An Kesia, Yang Xinxin, Sun Cailin, Zhu Miaomiao.

•    23 people successfully completed the joint educational master's programme "Economics", course in "World Economy" and received a diploma of Penza State University.

•    Led by L.V. Rozhkova, Doctor of Social Sciences, Head of the Department "International Relations", the third enrollment of master’s degree students on the programme "Economics", course in "World Economy", was completed in September, 2019. 18 people started their studies: Kou Jingwen, Xuan Tao, Li Hongxia, Yang Ping, Li Rui, Li Yinxia, Luo Wenqiong , Mu Chunlei, Wang Shilin, Zhang Qian, Zhang Kangxiong, Zhang Shuyuan, Cui Lijun, Du Yumei, Lei Da, Xie Longlong, Ding Ruochen, Lu Ping.

Дата создания: 29.07.2020 11:04
Дата обновления: 11.08.2020 12:22