Department of Microbiology, Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases

Starting from 2002 the Department of Microbiology, Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases has been training professionals in the areas of infectious diseases, epidemiology, dermatovenereology, phthisiology and microbiology. It participates in delivering such Specialist’s degree programmes as Dentistry, General Medicine, Medical Cybernetics and such clinical residency programmes as Dermatovenereology, Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases.

The practice-oriented and research-based nature of studies is ensured through the collaboration with clinical hospitals and other medical centres and through the operation of the Microbiology Laboratory, which enables exploring bacteriology, mycology, biotechnology and ecology of microorganisms.

The Department of Microbiology, Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases regularly organises the all-Russian conference “Infectious Diseases as an Interdisciplinary Problem: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow”. Its participants from among students, teaching, research and medical staff gather to discuss diagnosis, treatment and prevention of new, little-studied and recurring infectious diseases in adults and children.

The teaching staff encourage research and innovation of the students through the students research team “Infectology”. The members of the research team present their results at various scientific events of regional and national levels, including on herpes virus infections in people infected with HIV, pneumonia and tuberculosis in the structure of infectious pathology, diagnosis and treatment methods of bacterial vaginosis, influence of a neurological factor on visual impairment, clinical and epidemiological characteristics of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome and many other topics.




     General Medicine
     Medical Cybernetics

Clinical residency

     Infectious Diseases



Research topics

•    Biofilm for treating burns based on combination of chemical and biological components
•    Morbidity, clinical manifestations and diagnosis of COVID-19 in dental practice
•    Dynamics of changes in immunological indicators and cardiac markers in influenza and COVID-19
•    Features of HIV infection in adults
•    Clinical and laboratory features of bacterial complications of COVID-19 in hospitalised patients
•    Assessing the impact of stress on mental health in emergencies based on video content
•    Dynamics of serum cytokine levels in patients with COVID-19 and their role in heart impairment
•    Clinical aspects of infectious mononucleosis
•    Influence of SARS-COV-2 on the psycho-emotional state of patients
•    Psychodermatological features in the manifestation of psoriasis
•    Aetiological structure of neuroinfections


Penza Regional Clinical Centre for Specialised Types of Medical Care
Penza Regional Tuberculosis Hospital
Office of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Protection and Human Welfare in the Penza Region



Prof. Dr. Viktor Melnikov
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor
Head of the Department

37 Lermontova Street, building 18, floor 1
Tel: +7 (8412) 54-56-65
Web-page of the Department of Microbiology, Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases (in Russian)

Дата создания: 16.04.2014 03:00
Дата обновления: 20.02.2025 15:15