"Human-Computer Interaction Design". A public lecture at the PSU

30.04.2014 15:03

April 29th, Yngve Sundblad, professor in computer sciences at the Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm, Sweden) delivered a public lecture on human-computer interaction, its history, methods and techniques. 

The Professor emeritus of Swedish Institute is a learner of Russian and he was especially pleased to visit Russia.
"I was very lucky: I lived at the time when the world's technological revolution occurred”, - Yngve Sundblad started his story. 

He first got acquainted with computers in 1964, when he worked with his first computing machine. Prof. Sundblad devoted a lot of time to the early history of computer technologies, their development in the world. The lecture centred on cooperative design (participatory design) and interdisciplinary projects. The guest from Stockholm also talked about the project “Utopia”, which was developed under his supervision.

“I think the projects, that involve children and teachers, and also special working life projects  are of great interest and have promising research perspectives,” - the professor said. He finished the lecture with experience of  student initiatives at the Royal Institute in Stockholm, interdisciplinary projects and “summer schools”.

During his visit, Yngve Sundblad is to get acquainted with the practice of teaching Psychology and related disciplines at the Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Sciences.