Teaching seminar in Denmark attended by O.P. Surina, director of Pedagogical Institute and N.A. Pavlova, head of the department of Foreign Languages

25.02.2015 23:33

Two representatives from Penza State University – O.P.Surina and N.A. Pavlova – participated in international teaching seminar that was held on 16th-19th of February, 2015 in Denmark. The seminar was organized for educators and administrators of universities, schools, pre-service teachers, media representatives. The seminar programme comprised visits to schools in Vejen and the University College South Denmark in Haderslev and Esbjerg.

Major aim of the seminar was to introduce the original teaching model ‘School Adoption’ developed by the University College South Denmark. The practical application of the model was witnessed by seminar participants who later discussed its benefits and possibilites of adjustment according to nation-specific requirements. This seminar is part of a global project involving 12 universitites from 7 countries. As part of this project Penza State Universitytook part in the work on two Erasmus+ grants, which are nearing its completion. The experience gained at the teaching seminar is significant not only due to its scientific value. Apart from that, it contributes to the inclusion of Penza State University into European educational system, both as the recipient of positive European experience and the contributor of advanced ideas and technoligies of the Russian educational system into European countries. Such exchanges are deemed most valuable as they engage not only administrators, but university and school teachers, students and pupils as well.

The final stage of the project is the devopment and presentation of the Russian version of the educational model ‘School Adoption’ in Penza State University in March 2016. It is planned to invite media represtnatives, guests from European schools and universities.