A.Salomatin, Head of Department “Theory of State and Law, Political Science”, is admitted to International Academy of Comparative Law08.09.2015 12:48
We congratulate Aleksei Salomatin, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department “Theory of State and Law, Political Science” on being elected corresponding member of International Academy of Comparative Law. International Academy of Comparative Law-IACL is the oldest organization of lawyers practicing foreign law. It was organized in the Hague in 1924, but has its headquarters in Paris. It has its branches – national committees – in 60 countries of the world. Its goal is studying legal norms and institutions of particular countries from the point of view of their possible harmonization and unification. Our country is represented in IACL by such outstanding legal specialists as academician A. Lisitsyn-Svetlanov, Director of the Intstitute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences, academician T.Khabrieva, Director of the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation, V.Lafitsky, Deputy Director of the same institute. Election of A. Salomatin to the academy is the sign of high evaluation of his scientific work dedicated to the history of comparative law, legal geography and comparative analysis of state development models. Russian law students use the teaching materials “Comparative Law”, written by A.Malko and A.Salomatin and having been reedited since 2008. Based on this material a book in English “Legal systems of the modern world” was published in 2014. As a result of his active research and organizing activity A. Salomatin opened a master’s degree course in the unique programme “Legal policy in the Russian Federation and countries of the European Union” which is aimed at training Russian comparatists. Dean of the Faculty of Law, V. Goshulyak |