Indian Embassy Minister of Education and Community Welfare at the Meeting with Penza Students.20.05.2016 09:39
On May 18th distinguished guests from the Embassy of India in Russia - Anjali Pandey, Minister of Education and Community Welfare, and Suman Kaul, Press Relations Officer - met with Indian students studying at Penza State University. The meeting was conducted within the framework of V International Student Forum ‘Dialogue of Cultures’. Penza State University has a substantial proportion of Indian students, more than a fifth of all international students, who come to study different subjects, the majority choosing medical professions. During the meeting the Indian students had a chance to discuss important matters – university exams, social sphere, possibility of continuing their education. Addressing the students, Ms. Pandey urged them not only to devote their time and efforts to serious studies, but also not to forget about the multi-cultural element of student life and to be open to communication with students from other countries. ‘Try to be good students, do not miss your classes, become good friends, and jointly build your dialogue of cultures. Do behave in such a way that we are proud of you and your achievements in all spheres – in your studies and social life’, stressed Ms. Pandey. Фотографии (3)