Representative of PSU took part in the 7th Meeting in Tomar, Portugal23.04.2018 15:31
Instituto Politécnico de Tomar hosted in Tomar, Portugal the 7th coordination meeting of the HARMONY – Development of approaches to harmonization of comprehensive internationalization strategies in higher education, research and innovation at EU and Partner Countries – project, on April 16th-20th 2018. At the meeting participants of HARMONY consortium concentrated on discussing the Tool Kit for harmonization of higher education internationalization strategies in EU and Partner Countries. The team conducted coordination meeting on final results achievements and agenda for successful completion of the project. It's worth to be mentioned that apart from HARMONY partners more than 20 participants from other HEIs of Portugal, Turkey, Ukraine, Cabo Verde, attended International conference and trainings workshops on Training Joint degrees development and efficient implementation. All the related materials are available on-line at web-site |