PSU senior managers exchanged best practices within ENTEP training session25.06.2018 16:09
Viktor Mekhanov, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Olga Surina, Director of Belinsky Institute of Teacher Education, and Gennady Kozlov, Director of the Polytechnic Institute, participated in the workshops held by the Technische Universität Dresden on 18 – 22 June 2018. The event was organised for Russian and Chinese senior administrative staff within the project Enhancing Teaching Practice in Higher Education in Russia and China (ENTEP). PSU senior management attended trainings, which explored the executive and educational structures in higher education (e.g. Bologna principles). The event participants discussed the possible reforms to the existing study programme, as well as the patterns of financing the joint cooperation projects. In their turn, the representatives of TU Dresden acquainted their guests with DRESDEN-concept, i.e. Dresden Research and Education Synergies for the Development of Excellence and Novelty. Moreover, German experts elaborated on the principles of HEIs accreditation and quality assurance, as well as on the development of academic freedom in Germany. The host university also introduced the participants to the structure of the Graduate Academy and the Centre for Integration Research. Фотографии (3)