Master's Degree Student of Penza State University Kirill Nikolaev is doing a scientific internship at the University of Münster (Germany)19.11.2018 12:49
In Germany Kirill Nikolaev investigates ferromagnetic resonance of the thin and thick layers of yttrium iron garnet (YIG), permalloy etc. under the supervision of Professor Sergei Demokritov. This task is very perspective for microwave electronics and spintronics. In addition, K. Nikolaev attends lectures in Magnonics, Electronics and Foreign Languages. Famous German scientists give lectures in English. "The internship in a team of leading professors and scientific staff gives me significant experience, deep knowledge and excellent practice in English. Here I get a chance to work with high-precision equipment, new materials and techniques, which will certainly be useful for my scientific work on the projects of the PSU,” said Kirill Nikolaev. |