Svetlana Krätzschmar conferred on the degree of Honorary Doctor of PSU01.04.2019 12:00
Svetlana Krätzschmar coordinates collaboration between educational and medical institutions of Flensburg (Germany) and Penza State University. As the President of the city of Flensburg, she has been arranging the annual Flensburg – Penza International Congresses since 2013. In total, six congresses were carried out under her auspices. Thanks to the mediator efforts of Svetlana Krätzschmar, the cooperation agreement between the DIAKO Medical Centre and Penza State University was signed in 2016. Within the concluded agreement, several joint projects were implemented in 2016 – 2018. In addition, 8 students of PSU Medical Institute underwent medical internship in DIAKO Clinics, and 8 students will be sent for the internship in July – August 2019. Svetlana Krätzschmar contributed to signing the framework cooperation agreement between the Flensburg University of Applied Sciences and Penza State University in February 2017. Moreover, she actively covers partnership between PSU and Flensburg universities in the Russian and German-speaking media published in Germany and in Russia, which has a positive impact on the build-up of the university reputation in the global educational arena. Currently, Svetlana Krätzschmar monitors the issues arising in the context of the German delegation visit within the 7th Flensburg – Penza Congress, which will be held at PSU on 10 – 14 September 2019. |