EU experts develop Didactical Manual and Practical Guide within ENTEP project01.10.2019 09:04
The experts from Stiftung Universität Hildesheim (Germany), Liverpool John Moores University (UK), Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna (Italy) and Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra (Portugal) participating in the project “Enhancing teaching practice in higher education in Russia and China” (ENTEP) presented the advanced pedagogical approaches and innovative methodologies in the way of the Didactical Manual and Practical Guide. The Didactic Manual is intended for: The Manual brings awareness to teaching staff of the Qualification Framework of the European Higher Education Area set up by the Dublin Descriptors. It also provides common understanding of the outcomes of a programme as represented by the qualification (diploma) within the overarching European Qualification Framework. The Practical Guide presents: The Guide emphasises that in order to comply with the Bologna Process, Degree Programme Profiles must include both programme competences and programme learning outcomes and instruct teachers how to formulate degree programme profiles, suggesting also curricula and syllabi templates. |