Results of "Penza-Flensburg"online meetings26.09.2020 19:14
Petra Stöckl, regional plenipotentiary of the German Embassy in the Penza region, welcomed the participants of the online meeting and noted that the cooperation of Penza State University and Flensburg partners is a vivid example of a successful dialogue at the level of cities, even if they are not twin cities. In addition, Petra Stöckl expressed confidence that the German Embassy in Moscow will continue to support the implementation of joint projects in the future. Then Dr. Christoph Jansen, President of the University of Applied Sciences, said his welcoming words. He thanked everyone who is actively involved in the development of the joint cooperation, and emphasized that such results were achieved thanks to trust in each other and communication based on the principles of mutual respect, equality and tolerance. Swetlana Krätzschmar, ex-President of Flensburg, said in her speech that the experience of cooperation between Penza and Flensburg will be presented in the materials of the Russian-German Year of Research and Educational Partnerships 2018–2019, and also thanked the participants of the meeting for their active joint work. Simone Lange, Mayor of Flensburg, and Hannes Fuhrig, President of Flensburg, also addressed the audience with a welcoming speech. They especially emphasized the importance of maintaining and strengthening contacts in the difficult times of the pandemic, and also expressed their hope that the following year the meeting would be held in face-to-face format. In addition, they reported that Swetlana Krätzschmar had received the official status of Penza-Flensburg cooperation coordinator on behalf of the city administration. In the second part of the meeting, brief results of the agreements reached were presented. Gleb Sintsov, Vice-Rector for International Affairs of PSU, and Julia-Karin Patrut, Vice-President for Academic Affairs of EUF, summed up the results of the video meeting held on September 23: • The main issue on the agenda was the discussion of key issues on the opening of the joint master's degree programme "Languages, culture, media" in 45.04.01 "Philology". During the meeting, all the principal provisions of the agreement were approved of, and a schedule for preparing the necessary educational and methodological documentation was determined. It is planned that all documents will have been prepared and agreed upon by December 1, 2020, and the first enrollment of applicants for the joint degree programme will begin in the next academic year. At PSU, the joint programme will be implemented at the Department of Foreign Languages and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages (Head of the Department E.Yu.Aleshina), the Faculty of History, Languages and Literature, the Institute of Teacher Education. The training will be performed in English and German. Sergey Vasin, Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation at PSU, and Antje Labes, Professor of the University of Applied Sciences, coordinator of cooperation with PSU, briefly presented the results of the online meeting on September 23: Aleksandr Mitroshin, Director of the PSU Medical Institute, Henning Stolze, chief physician of the DIAKO neurological clinic, Guido Wölk, medical doctor at Malteser Hospital, summed up the results of the video conference, which was held on September 24. They noted the importance of holding such joint events, since within the framework of the videoconference, important issues were discussed on organizing treatment for patients with COVID-infection in Flensburg and Penza. In addition, within the framework of the meeting, an agreement was reached to accept students of the Medical Institute for internships in January 2021. All the participants thanked the cooperation coordinators in each partner organization, stressing the importance of their coordination activities. At Penza State University, the cooperation coordinator is Tatyana Razuvaeva, Head of International Projects Department, at Europa-Universität Flensburg - Julia-Karin Patrut, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, at Flensburg University of Applied Sciences - prof. Antje Labes, at DIACO Medical Center - prof. Henning Stolze, at Malteser Hospital - Dr. Guido Wölk. The overall cooperation coordination in Flensburg is carried out by Swetlana Krätzschmar. In conclusion, it was decided to hold the congress in 2021 in a combined format - some of the events will be held face-to-face in Flensburg (September 20-23, 2021), some events will be held in an online format. |