PSU graduates from India successfully pass the FMGE

14.10.2020 10:53

Foreign Medical Graduate Examination is an examination in India for graduates of foreign medical universities, which takes place twice a year. Only in case of demonstrating a high result, do the exam participants get the right to be medical practitioners in the country. Shah Nisarg, who graduated with honors from the Faculty of General Medicine, Medical Institute, Penza State University, showed an excellent result (222 points out of 300) and became the first in the country. A total of 18,380 people took the FMGE in August 2020, with only 1,697 who passed the exam successfully.

The teachers and staff of the Medical Institute pay great attention to training the students from the Republic of India to take the FMGE. Students, starting from the third year, together with the teachers, perform a step-by-step analysis of all the test tasks from the FMGE database for previous years. The curriculum for Indian students includes clinical disciplines aimed at mastering both Russian and foreign standards of medical care. The number of practical lessons using clinical examples from medical practice for fourth-, fifth- and sixth-year students has been increased. In addition, the PSU Institute of International Cooperation, together with its partner, Yuvraj Solanki, the Director of RusEdu Corporation, has developed and is implementing a special training programme to prepare for the exam, including in a distance form. The programme includes an additional cycle of lectures which involve Indian teachers and experts in the field of medicine.

Out of 78 PSU graduates in 2020, 18 people successfully passed the exam, which is 23% (twice as high as the overall Indian result - 10.9%). For two years, 38 people out of 132 PSU graduates passed the exam (29%), which confirms the high level of training of specialists at Penza State University.