Professional development course within the international ENTEP project completed for the third time27.10.2020 15:25
This time the professional development course was delivered in the blended format, i.e. one part of face-to-face classes was conducted online, and the second part was given on campus. The centre trainers Olga Androsova, Tatiana Glotova, Svetlana Vlazneva, Irina Kolchugina, and Tatiana Razuvaeva introduce trainees to the basic values and tools of the Bologna Process. They also detailed the principles of student-centred teaching and learning (SCTL). In addition, trainees explored the innovative approaches and techniques for learning outcomes assessment, as well as modern teaching methods. The course materials are freely available in the virtual learning environment of the Penza State University Moodle, so everyone interested may benefit from using these in their activity. |