The winners of the international contest Green Campus - Green City were awarded certificates03.12.2021 09:20
Aleksandr Guliakov, Rector of Penza State University, awarded certificates to the winners of the Green Campus - Green City international contest during a meeting of University administration on Tuesday, November 30. The contest was held in 2021 within the framework of cooperation between Penza State University and Flensburg University of Applied Sciences. The jury consisting of Prof. Antje Labes (Germany), Prof. Claudia Werner (Germany), research assistant Martina Carstensen (Germany), Prof. Rajesh Saiju (Germany), associate professor Sergey Golobokov (Russia), Prof. Andrey Kuzmin (Russia) identified three winning projects among student teams of Penza State University:
Aleksandr Guliakov thanked the students and their supervisors for their active research work, and also wished them successful implementation of their project ideas. The Federal Foreign Office supported the competitive application of PSU and the Flensburg University of Applied Sciences and allocated a grant for implementing the winning projects. As part of the grant, each team will receive 2,000 euros for implementing their project idea. In addition, PSU will receive 5,000 euros for preparing (including translating into German and English) and publishing a collection of projects by Penza State University students who have taken part in environmental contests held by PSU together with the Flensburg University of Applied Sciences over the past three years. The grant project coordinators: Professor Antje Labes (Flensburg University of Applied Sciences), Tatiana Razuvaeva (Penza State University). Фотографии (3)