Cricket tournament among international students11.05.2022 10:13
From May 1 to May 16, a cricket tournament among international students is being held at the Trud sports and training centre, Penza State University. The tournament was organized by the PSU Association of Indian Students with the support of the International Education Office, the Institute of Sport and Physical Training, Penza State University, and the International Students Association of the Penza Region. “The goal of the tournament is to promote a healthy lifestyle, develop sportsmanship and build positive interethnic interaction among international students in order to enhance their social adaptation to living and studying at our university,” commented Gleb Sintsov, PSU Vice-Rector for International Affairs. More than 20 teams of international students take part in the tournament. The semi-finals will take place on May 15, the final on May 16. Фотографии (3)