PSU post-graduate student took 2nd place in a research contest in engineering areas among international students from Russian universities

26.08.2022 11:04

Fakia Hussein Mohammed Ibrahim Ali, a 2nd year postgraduate student of the Department of Information and Measuring Equipment and Metrology, Penza State University, took the second place in the III research contest in engineering areas among international students from Russian universities.

The participants of the contest were representatives of 13 countries of the world (Vietnam, Yemen, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Bulgaria, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Sri Lanka, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, South Ossetia, Mongolia), studying at Russian Federation universities.

Research works were presented in three categories:
- research work (bachelor's degree, specialist's degree);
- research work (master’s degree);
- research work (postgraduate course).

Having considered the applications, the jury recommended 24 works for defence.

II place in the contest was taken by Fakia Hussein Mohammed Ibrahim Ali. The International Students Association of Russia expressed their gratitude to Penza State University and personally to Ekaterina Pecherskaya, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Head of the Department of Information and Measuring Equipment and Metrology, for training Fakia Hussein.

The PSU representative’s project is dedicated to wind turbines and methods for measuring their main parameters. This study was carried out as part of postgraduate research and qualification work on the topic “Information and measuring system for measuring and controlling the parameters of wind turbines”, which is relevant for the Republic of Yemen.

“The use of wind power plants in the developed countries of the world, in particular in Yemen, allows solving not only the problems of autonomous power supply for cottages, country houses, rural communities, but also environmental problems, thus preventing pollution,” said Fakia Hussein Mohammed Ibrahim Ali.

Please note that the organizers of the contest are the International Students Association of Russia together with Volgograd State Technical University.

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