Institute of International Cooperation hosted a kick-off meeting with international first-year students

21.09.2022 14:36

On September 20, 2022, as part of adaptation activities, a kick-off meeting was held at Penza State University with international first-year students who are taking Russian-language programs.

The event was attended by: Dmitriy Gordeev, PSU Vice-Rector for Security; Aleksey Salmin, Deputy Head of the Integrated Security Department of PSU; Sergey Ivanchin, Head of the International Education Office of the Institute of International Cooperation, PSU; heads of departments of the International Education Office, as well as representatives of regional agencies - Mikhail Usanov, Deputy Head of Police Department No. 4 of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the city of Penza; Natalia Gomzyakova, Head of the Voluntary Medical Insurance Department of the Penza branch of AO AlfaStrakhovanie.

First-year students were introduced to the specific features of the work of each department, reminded of the obligation of international citizens and persons without citizenship to undergo the state fingerprint registration procedure in accordance with Federal Law No. 274-FZ of July 1, 2021. In addition, within the framework of the meeting, rules of living in PSU halls of residence and rules of conduct on the territory of the university were discussed.

The representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs spoke about the rules for staying on the territory of the Russian Federation, about administrative and criminal liability for violating the Russian Federation legislation and measures of state influence for non-compliance by a foreign citizen with the Russian Federation laws, about the procedure for international students to work, about preventing Internet fraud.

“Kick-off meetings of this kind are an essential form of support for international first-year students in the process of their adaptation and socialization to a completely new multicultural environment. It is important for first-year students to be familiar with the basic rules and aware of the consequences of certain actions,” emphasized Gleb Sintsov, Vice-Rector for International Affairs.

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