A 4th year student from India gets the title “Miss World. Folk Queen – 2022”
On Thursday, November 17, Penza State University hosted the VIII beauty contest among PSU international students “Miss World. Folk Queen - 2022", dedicated to the International Student's Day. The contest was organized by the Department of Student Affairs, International Education Office, PSU.
In 2022, eight participants from seven countries of the world fought for the victory: Egypt, Algeria, Tajikistan, India, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan and Ecuador. The girls had to pass several preliminary tests: tell about their country as part of the intellectual stage "Lessons of Friendship" and take part in a photo shoot in national costumes and demonstrate their defile skills and their talents at the final show.
The theme of this year's competition is "Woman in the History of the World". “This time we not only clearly outlined the theme of the event, but also added a corresponding defile: each participant appeared before the audience and the jury in the image of a great woman of her country. On the same stage were an opera singer from Turkmenistan and the national heroine of India, the first female pilot of Tajikistan and the Egyptian queen. The international “Peace Dance”, a defile in evening dresses and a creative contest have remained traditional,” the organizers of the event say.
Solanki Yuvraajsinh Pradipkumar, General Partner of PSU, Director of the Chevalier Group, became the guest of honor of the event. He addressed the organizers of the contest with words of gratitude and congratulated the participants: “Today each of the girls showed what she is capable of! The contest took place, and it became a real celebration of beauty and creativity!”.
According to the results of the competitive program, the nominations were distributed as follows:
Miss Charm - Abdelnabi Nada Abdalla Saadeldin, Egypt
Miss Elegance - Yahi Linda, Algeria
Miss Tenderness - Bakhturova Malika, Tajikistan
Miss Natural, Miss Audience Choice - Lodha Vanshita, India
Miss Creativity, Miss Smile - Atajanova Shabibi, Turkmenistan
Miss Grace - Bektemirova Albina, Kyrgyzstan
Miss Intelligence, Miss Originality - Guaman Yungan Ruth Estefanni, Ecuador
Miss Photo, Miss Artistry - Shaikh Humerabanu Firoz, India
The title "II Vice Miss World" was given to Yakhi Linda from Algeria, "I Vice Miss World" - Bektemirova Albina (Kyrgyzstan). The winner of the Miss World. Folk Queen - 2022" was Shaikh Humerabanu Firoz from India.