Welcome, international students: first-year students from Arab countries and India were introduced to the structure of the Institute of International Cooperation

28.11.2022 11:33

Penza State University held induction meetings with international first-year students from Arab countries and India. The meetings were held on 23 and 24 November. The event was attended by Dmitriy Gordeev, PSU Vice-Rector for Security, Aleksei Salmin, Deputy Head of the Integrated Security Department of PSU, Sergey Ivanchin, Head of the International Education Office of the Institute of International Cooperation, PSU, heads of departments of the International Education Office, as well as representatives of regional departments: Evgeny Ashaev, Lieutenant of Police Department No. 4 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the city of Penza, and Natalya Gomzyakova, Head of the voluntary medical insurance department of the Penza branch of AO AlfaStrakhovanie. In total, more than 200 students from India, Morocco, Egypt, Lebanon, Panama, Yemen and Syria took part in the meetings.

“We congratulate you, dear first-year students, on your admission to Penza State University and we really hope to meet you all at the graduation ceremony in five or six years. We wish you success and promise, for our part, to do everything to make your studies interesting and comfortable,” Sergey Ivanchin, Head of the International Education Office, addressed the audience.

During the meeting, special emphasis was placed on the observance by foreign citizens of the legislation of the Russian Federation, the PSU Charter, the rules of conduct on the territory of the university and in residence halls, as well as the fulfillment of the requirements for migration and visa registration of foreign citizens. Law enforcement officials urged students to be responsible and honest: “Penza is a fairly safe region. Do not break the laws, follow the rules, and then your stay in our city and your studies at the university will be calm and filled with only positive emotions,” said Dmitriy Gordeev, PSU Vice-Rector for Security.

Once again, the students were reminded of the need for insurance. “This issue is very relevant and important. You need to renew your insurance policy at the designated time every year. This is a confirmation document that provides the right to receive free medical care throughout the Russian Federation,” emphasized Natalya Gomzyakova, representative of AO AlfaStrakhovanie.

Then the heads of departments of the International Education Office introduced the first-year students to the activities of their departments. The students learned who of the staff members to contact for educational and migration issues, and also got acquainted with the social life of the university, in which they plan to take an active part.

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