International students take part in the KVN School

28.11.2022 11:37

From November 14 to November 16, international students took part in the "KVN School" for students of Penza State University at the Multifunctional Youth Center of the Penza Region.
Throughout the "School of KVN" students received not only theoretical knowledge, but also tried to be actors.

On the first day, the participants attended informative lectures by the invited speakers: Aleksei Kabunin, a member of the Major League as part of the KVN team "Sura", and Mikhail Kichatov, director of the KVN movement of the Penza region.

The guests told the students about their creative path, shared their experience and gave important advice.

The second day consisted of workshops: "Improvisation style" from Mikhail Kichatov, "Musical accompaniment of the performance of KVN teams" from Aleksandr Morozov and Kirill Chernov.

Aleksei Kabunin spoke about the songs during the performance, introduced the students to the concept of "short songs” (korotysh) and gave advice on writing such songs. Then the participants applied the knowledge gained in practice and tried to write their own short songs.

The final workshop was the practice from Vladimir Shmaryov. Here the students tried to imagine themselves in any team and come up with the concept of their performance. An important point that Vladimir drew attention to is that the participants should think about what exactly their team is like. In other words, they answered the questions “Who are we?” and "Why are we like that?" The students also tried to come up with a beginning for their performance, because it is very important to make a good impression on the audience in the first few seconds on stage.

“The KVN School is a great platform for gaining new knowledge and exchanging experience. In three days we learned how to write scripts, improvise and work in a team. The undoubted plus is that in addition to theoretical knowledge, we could apply it in practice, where everyone shared their creative talent. Thank you so much for the workshops!”, Bekzat Zhusupov, a student from Kyrgyzstan, shared his emotions.

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