PSU brought together representatives from seven countries: they discussed language policy and issues of liberal education

29.03.2023 14:24

On March 24-25, the Faculty of History, Languages and Literature, the Institute of Teacher Education, Penza State University, hosted VII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Language Policy and Issues of Liberal Education”.

The event was organized by the Department of Russian Language and Methods of Teaching Russian Language. The co-organizers were the Department of Belarusian and Russian Philology of Mozyr State Pedagogical University named after I.P. Shamyakin (Republic of Belarus) and the Department of Russian Linguistics, Typology and Communication Theory of Yerevan State University (Republic of Armenia).

Scientists from seven countries (Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Vietnam, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan) presented 117 reports at the conference. Ten participants came to the scientific event from different regions of Russia (Moscow, Astrakhan, Perm, etc.) and neighboring countries (Armenia).

The plenary and breakout sessions were held on March 24 in face-to-face and online format. Scientists from Ryazan, Astrakhan, Yerevan, Gorlovka, Moscow, Tula, Saratov, Krasnoyarsk, Perm, Penza and other cities took part in them.

The conference participants discussed topical issues related to the position of the Russian language in Russia and in the world space, with the peculiarities of the linguistic picture of the world of different languages speakers, with the level of the speech culture development of speakers and writers. Much attention was paid to analyzing the language of fiction books and the functioning of the Russian language in the media. The participants of the conference discussed the problems of teaching the Russian language in universities and schools.

On the final day, March 25, within the framework of the conference, an excursion to the State Lermontov Museum-Reserve "Tarkhany" took place.

Proceedings of the conference will be published on the results of the event.


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