“Lessons of Friendship” from the participants of the Miss World 2023 contest
As part of the annual beauty contest among PSU international students “Miss World. Folk Queen – 2023”, the intellectual stage was held. It was conducted in the format of “Lessons of Friendship”, a project that has been successfully implemented since 2012 at the university together with the International Students Association and that represents interactive and educational meetings of international students with the city schoolchildren.
Let us remind you that 9 participants from 8 countries of the world are fighting for the title “Miss World. Folk Queen" in 2023. They are: Mahi Garg and Shetty Twinkle (India), Lin Ziqing (China), Mumba Abigail (Zambia), Seyitkulyeva Surai (Turkmenistan), Burvan Viktoria (Belarus), Yesenalieva Dayana (Kyrgyzstan), Mohamed Ravan (Sudan), and Rustamova Malika (Uzbekistan).
The girls introduced the schoolchildren to the cultures and traditions of their countries. The future misses admit that it was not an easy task. However, even despite the presence of a language barrier, the project, as usual, aroused great interest among schoolchildren. The participants’ efforts were evaluated by the professional jury.
Based on the results of the intellectual stage, the winner in the “Miss Intelligence” nomination will be selected, whose name will become known on November 17 during the finals of the beauty contest among PSU international students “Miss World.Folk Queen – 2023.”