PSU international students take part in the World Youth Festival

13.03.2024 12:18

From March 1 to March 7, 2024, the World Youth Festival was held on the federal territory of Sirius (Sochi), which brought together 20,000 people from 190 countries. Penza State University was represented by international students from 5 countries: Hong Ye (China), Nityaraj Solanki (India), Sahakanush Muradyan (Armenia), Walid Alshraedeh (Jordan), Aliazgar Zikrov (Tajikistan).

“It’s wonderful when international students of our university have the opportunity not only to receive a quality education, but also to attend such festivals, getting acquainted with the culture of the regions of Russia and other countries of the world,” said Gleb Sintsov, Vice-Rector for International Affairs of PSU.

The programme of the World Youth Festival was built on the values of unity, equality, justice, mutual assistance, teamwork and mercy. Much attention was paid to the sports and cultural components of the festival; Russia's achievements in the field of youth development were shown. The festival included a huge number of different formats for involving young people: workshops, lectures and planning sessions with representatives of the ministries of the Russian Federation, actors, entrepreneurs, artists, Olympic champions and heads of corporations. As part of the festival, a large-scale international exhibition and forum “Russia” took place, which demonstrated the most important achievements of Russia in various industries. For the participants of the World Festival, it became one of the points of the programme and an important element in getting to know Russia. Each day was dedicated to a specific theme - “Responsibility for the fate of the world” (March 2), “Multinational unity” (March 3), “A world of opportunities for everyone” (March 4), “Let’s save the family in the name of children and peace” (5 March), “We are together with Russia” (March 6).

Nityaraj Solanki, PSU international student from India, was selected to the delegation of the Penza region: “I made many friends from different countries and regions of Russia, received an incredible amount of knowledge and emotions. I was able to personally meet and give an Indian souvenir to the governor of the Penza region! I am grateful to the Russian Federation for organizing this festival, to Penza State University for this opportunity, and also grateful to the delegation of the Penza region for their kind attitude towards me. I will gladly take part in such a festival again if there is such an opportunity!”

Hong Ye, PSU post-graduate student from China, became a representative of her country’s delegation: “Everything was very interesting. I met many interesting foreigners and took part in many useful events in the incredibly diverse festival programme. Every day was busy and happy. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to get acquainted with different cultures and knowledge!”

Representatives of the KVN International Team of the Institute of International Cooperation of Penza State University Saakanush Muradyan, Walid Alshraedeh and Aliazgar Zikrov were invited to the World Youth Festival by the Television Creative Association “Aleksandr Maslyakov and Company” to participate in one of the events of the rich programme -"KVN - International Cup of Humor"! This cup took place for the first time in the history of humorous projects in Russia, on the site of which KVN teams from 32 countries of the world met, uniting teams from the KVN Major League and national teams playing for the first time! The KVN project - International Cup of Humor within the framework of the World Youth Festival is being implemented with the support of the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives. In preparation for the cup, director Mikhail Yarchenko, Russian TV presenter and screenwriter Mikhail Marfin and Deputy General Director of "AMiK" Viktor Vdovichenko worked with the participants.

“We were very happy to represent our city and university in such a large-scale event and to be part of the large and friendly international KVN game, to get closer to the “big” KVN. Participants from different countries masterfully demonstrated their humor, infecting the audience with positive energy. Moments of laughter and unexpected jokes created a unique experience, leaving unforgettable memories of this unique event. And to fight among such strong teams from the Major League at such a large-scale event on such a huge stage was, first of all, preparation for our further performances and it was incomparable! We may have returned without the cup, but we gained invaluable experience, which in our opinion is no less important than a cup or medal!” noted the International Team.

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