PSU continues to actively develop cooperation with Chinese universities
On June 21, a delegation from Jining University paid an official visit to Penza State University. The goal is to get acquainted with the educational and sports infrastructure of the university and discuss the implementation of a joint educational programme of double degrees in “Physical education for persons with health problems (adaptive physical education), course in “Physical rehabilitation”.
The delegation of Jining University was represented by Vice President Zhao Ming, Director of School of Sports Xu Gang, Dean of School of Continuing Education Xu Junkai, Deputy Dean of School of Physics and Electrical Engineering Yue Xianfang, Deputy Dean of School of International Education Li Gung.
A rich programme was prepared for the delegation. Acquaintance and discussion of working issues on possible areas of cooperation, including the implementation of a joint educational programme in online form, took place within the framework of a round table.
At the meeting, PSU Rector Aleksandr Guliakov thanked the guests for the proposal to implement a joint educational programme and noted: “We express hope for the development of joint cooperation and the implementation of new Russian-Chinese educational projects and programmes with Jining University, which will strengthen ties between China and Russia and will contribute to prosperity of our states."
Vice President of Jining University Zhao Ming introduced his university and noted that cooperation can develop not only within the framework of the implementation of joint educational programmes, but also through academic mobility programmes for students and teachers.
Vladimir Simagin, Vice-Rector for Graduate Affairs and Employment, PSU, introduced Penza State University to the Chinese delegation, noting the wide range of educational programmes being implemented, as well as the existing competences of teachers and staff in training international citizens, including using English as an intermediary language.
Specific proposals for cooperation at the round table were also made by Yuri Tikhonov, Director of the Institute of Sport and Physical Training, PSU; Aleksandr Ivanov, Head of Department of Cyclic Sports; Ekaterina Pecherskaya, Head of Department of Information and Measuring Equipment and Metrology, Deputy Director of the Polytechnic Institute for Research; Olga Barabash, Head of Department of Russian as a Foreign Language, Institute of International Cooperation; Tatiana Razuvaeva, Head of the International Projects Department, Institute of International Cooperation; Xu Gang, Dean of School of Sports, Jining University; Yue Xianfang, Deputy Dean of School of Physics and Electrical Engineering, Jining University.
Summing up the results of the negotiations, Gleb Sintsov, Vice-Rector for International Affairs, noted: “China is a strategic partner of Russia. Our universities, through the implementation of joint cooperation, make an important contribution to strengthening ties between our countries, as we prepare the younger generation who will build the future not only on the basis of acquired competences, but also on the principles of mutual respect and intercultural dialogue.”
After the round table, the delegation visited the Institute of Sport and Physical Training, the Voeikov Martial Arts Palace, and the Olympic Reserve School.
It should be noted that this visit was the result of many years of cooperation with the Beijing Bridge Cultural Exchange Company. It was with the support of its leader Wang Tao that several years ago the implementation of a joint educational programme of double degrees in Pedagogical Education, course in Music” (bachelor’s degree) was launched with Gannan Normal University. This time Wang Tao also accompanied the Chinese delegation; as part of his visit, he met with Olga Surina, Director of the Institute of Teacher Education; Aleksandr Tugarov, Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Sciences; Tatiana Shipilkina, Head of Department of Music and Methods of Teaching Music; Lyudmila Meshkova, Head of Department of Fine Art and Culture Studies. At the meeting, issues of implementing the current educational programme in music were discussed, as well as possible prospects for launching a joint educational programme in fine arts (teacher education).
Both sides emphasized that this visit is an important step in strengthening cooperation and will serve as the basis for implementing joint educational projects, and in the future, scientific research.