The final stage of the 10th anniversary Beauty Contest among PSU international students 'Miss World. Folk Queen - 2024' took place at Penza State University on Wednesday, November 20.
Seven girls from different countries of the world took part in it:
— Munsanje Chabota, Zambia
— Kim Veronika, Kazakhstan
— Achylova Malika, Turkmenistan
— Boboeva Jonona, Tajikistan
— Abdumajidova Diyora, Uzbekistan
— Shelak Bhaviben, India
— Dzhilkibayeva Ayana, Kyrgyzstan
In 2024, the space and anniversary themes ran through the entire competition like a red thread. The programme included: the "Dance of the World" fashion show; fashion show in images; creative performances; fashion show in evening dresses.
Based on the results of the competition programme, the nominations were distributed as follows:
Miss Smile - Chabota Munsanje, Zambia
Miss Charm - Jonona Bobeva, Tajikistan
Miss Grace - Veronika Kim, Kazakhstan
Miss Elegance - Malika Achylova, Turkmenistan
Miss Artistry - Bhavi Shelak, India
Miss Tenderness - Diyora Abdumajidova, Uzbekistan
Miss Naturalness - Ayana Djilkibayeva, Kyrgyzstan
Miss Photo - Munsanje Chabota, Zambia
Miss Intelligence - Ayana Djilkibayeva, Kyrgyzstan
Miss Audience Choice - Diyora Abdumajidova, Uzbekistan
Miss Creativity - Veronika Kim, Kazakhstan
Special Prize from the International Students Association of the Penza Region - Diyora Abdumajidova, Uzbekistan
The title of "Miss World. Folk Queen - 2024" was awarded to Chabota Munsanje (Zambia);
1st Vice-Miss World - Malika Achylova (Turkmenistan);
2nd Vice-Miss World and Miss Audience Choice - Diyora Abdumajidova (Uzbekistan).