PSU international students gave children a New Year fairy tale
Every year, on the eve of the New Year holidays, representatives from all over the world studying at our university come up with a charity initiative – they give a holiday to the pupils of the Neverkinskaya boarding school (Neverkino village) and the Regional Social Rehabilitation Center for Children and Young People with Disabilities (Kichkileika village).
The students emphasize that it is especially important to create a festive atmosphere for the children: “This is not the first time we have come up with such an event, and each time we look forward to the New Year meeting with the pupils. We can say that the kids treat us like family, and we are happy about this, because they, like no one else, need our love, care and attention.”
On Saturday, December 28, international students visited Kichkileika. Father Frost and Snow Maiden gave the pupils of the rehabilitation center a good mood, and also shared their national flavor, showing a traditional Indian dance and performing an Arabic song. Together with the students, the center was visited by Gleb Sintsov, Vice-Rector for International Affairs of PSU, and Nikolai Svechnikov, Head of the Department of Law Enforcement Activity of PSU.
The funds raised by international students were spent on consumables for making plywood crafts for the children of the Neverkinskaya boarding school.
"The charity event has been run since 2016. Unfortunately, since the pandemic, we have not visited the children in the village of Neverkino with a concert programme, as we did before, but every December we always gave them gifts or bought some necessary things! I hope that next year we will be able to return to the old format of the event and please the children with games, workshops and creative performances from international students," said Adel Maqbol, Chairman of the International Students Association of the Penza Region.