Новости (стр.2)

29.01.2025 15:48 The Department of Russian as a Foreign Language held an event dedicated to the Chinese New Year celebration
In 2025, the celebration of New Year in China starts on January 28 and will last for several days.
In 2025, the celebration of New Year in China starts on January 28 and will last for several days.

28.01.2025 09:46 Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the Russian Federation visited PSU
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the Russian Federation Botirjon Asadov visited Penza State University, where he met with students from his country. The official visit took place on Sunday, January 26, and became a significant event for both students and the educational institution.
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the Russian Federation Botirjon Asadov visited Penza State University, where he met with students from his country. The official visit took place on Sunday, January 26, and became a significant event for both students and the educational institution.

29.12.2024 16:44 PSU international students gave children a New Year fairy tale
Every year, on the eve of the New Year holidays, representatives from all over the world studying at our university come up with a charity initiative – they give a holiday to the pupils of the Neverkinskaya boarding school (Neverkino village) and the Regional Social Rehabilitation Center for Children and Young People with Disabilities (Kichkileika village).
Every year, on the eve of the New Year holidays, representatives from all over the world studying at our university come up with a charity initiative – they give a holiday to the pupils of the Neverkinskaya boarding school (Neverkino village) and the Regional Social Rehabilitation Center for Children and Young People with Disabilities (Kichkileika village).

25.12.2024 14:18 PSU international students were introduced to the traditions of celebrating the New Year
An event for foreign students was held in the International Friendship Club of the Penza Region, during which the participants made their own New Year decorations for the holiday tree and also talked about the traditions of celebrating the New Year in their countries.
An event for foreign students was held in the International Friendship Club of the Penza Region, during which the participants made their own New Year decorations for the holiday tree and also talked about the traditions of celebrating the New Year in their countries.

24.12.2024 11:14 The 1st International Educational Video Bridge held between PSU and the Russian Center at Tajik National University
On Friday, December 20, the 1st International Educational Video Bridge was held, connecting teachers from the Department of Russian Language and Methods of Teaching Russian Language at the Institute of Teacher Education, Penza State University, and representatives of the Russian Center at Tajik National University (TNU).
On Friday, December 20, the 1st International Educational Video Bridge was held, connecting teachers from the Department of Russian Language and Methods of Teaching Russian Language at the Institute of Teacher Education, Penza State University, and representatives of the Russian Center at Tajik National University (TNU).

24.12.2024 10:40 PSU student from Kyrgyzstan Nurgazy Kyzy Kanykei takes part in the Russian national award "Student of the Year"
From December 15 to 20, 2024, the Expocentre in Moscow hosted the final of the Russian National Award "Student of the Year" - a unique competitive and educational project for students of educational institutions of the Russian Federation who have special achievements in academic, scientific, sports, creative and social life.
From December 15 to 20, 2024, the Expocentre in Moscow hosted the final of the Russian National Award "Student of the Year" - a unique competitive and educational project for students of educational institutions of the Russian Federation who have special achievements in academic, scientific, sports, creative and social life.

24.12.2024 10:39 PSU enters the ranking of the most environmentally friendly universities in the country and the world
Penza State University has once again confirmed its title as one of the most environmentally friendly universities in the country and the world. This is evidenced by the world ranking UI GreenMetric World University Ranking - 2024, which evaluates the environmental friendliness of campuses and the environmental sustainability of universities. In fact, it reflects the influence and participation of the university in improving the environment.
Penza State University has once again confirmed its title as one of the most environmentally friendly universities in the country and the world. This is evidenced by the world ranking UI GreenMetric World University Ranking - 2024, which evaluates the environmental friendliness of campuses and the environmental sustainability of universities. In fact, it reflects the influence and participation of the university in improving the environment.

24.12.2024 10:35 PSU students are winners of the semi-finals of the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC)
Penza State University students became diploma winners of the Russian regional final — the Northern Eurasia Finals — of the team student world contest in programming. The second-degree diploma was won by PSU students, ahead of many teams from Russia and neighboring countries (48th place out of 267 teams).
Penza State University students became diploma winners of the Russian regional final — the Northern Eurasia Finals — of the team student world contest in programming. The second-degree diploma was won by PSU students, ahead of many teams from Russia and neighboring countries (48th place out of 267 teams).

20.12.2024 09:23 PSU enters the Global Aggregated Ranking of Universities
The latest results of the Global Aggregated Ranking of Universities have been published. Penza State University has been included in it for the past several years. In 2024, it took 127th place among Russian universities.
The latest results of the Global Aggregated Ranking of Universities have been published. Penza State University has been included in it for the past several years. In 2024, it took 127th place among Russian universities.

19.12.2024 12:53 PSU staff included in the top 2% of world scientists according to Stanford University
Penza State University researchers Yuri Smirnov and Dmitry Valovik have been included in the annual ranking of the world's best scientists according to Stanford University. The ranking is compiled by John Ioannidis's group. The annual ranking takes into account citations for 2023, and it also publishes a version with the researchers' results over their entire careers.
Penza State University researchers Yuri Smirnov and Dmitry Valovik have been included in the annual ranking of the world's best scientists according to Stanford University. The ranking is compiled by John Ioannidis's group. The annual ranking takes into account citations for 2023, and it also publishes a version with the researchers' results over their entire careers.

12.12.2024 16:47 Foreign citizens who come to Russia for the first time get acquainted with the culture and traditions of our country
When teaching the Russian language to foreign citizens, it is of great importance also to teach the history and culture of Russia. Immersion in the relevant cultural environment, getting to know national traditions allows one to better understand the peculiarities of the culture of any nation.
When teaching the Russian language to foreign citizens, it is of great importance also to teach the history and culture of Russia. Immersion in the relevant cultural environment, getting to know national traditions allows one to better understand the peculiarities of the culture of any nation.

10.12.2024 12:50 Chinese students who presented the PSU prize at the "Male Role" film festival shared their impressions
Students of Penza State University visited the XV International Film Festival "Male Role" named after Ivan Mozzhukhin. On the closing day of the festival, the Honorary Prize of PSU was awarded for the first time. It went to the film "Insane".
Students of Penza State University visited the XV International Film Festival "Male Role" named after Ivan Mozzhukhin. On the closing day of the festival, the Honorary Prize of PSU was awarded for the first time. It went to the film "Insane".

10.12.2024 12:47 Penza International Friendship Club took part in a training seminar-meeting
From December 2 to 4, 2024, a training seminar-meeting for leaders and curators of International Friendship Clubs (IFC) was held on the territory of the Senezh Management Workshop of the presidential platform “Russia is the Land of Opportunities.”
From December 2 to 4, 2024, a training seminar-meeting for leaders and curators of International Friendship Clubs (IFC) was held on the territory of the Senezh Management Workshop of the presidential platform “Russia is the Land of Opportunities.”

06.12.2024 11:27 Rector Aleksandr Guliakov held a meeting with the PSU football team - champions of the All-Russian division
Penza State University hosted a meeting between Rector Aleksandr Guliakov and the PSU national football team, which won the All-Russian division of the National Student Football League (NSFL) among juniors in the 2024 season.
Penza State University hosted a meeting between Rector Aleksandr Guliakov and the PSU national football team, which won the All-Russian division of the National Student Football League (NSFL) among juniors in the 2024 season.

06.12.2024 11:23 "Medical Institute is Biomedical Cluster of the Penza Region": PSU holds the international conference "Current Issues of Medical Science and Education"
On December 5, the 10th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Current Issues of Medical Science and Education", dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Medical Institute of PSU, began its work at Penza State University. Teachers, postgraduates, residents, students of medical universities of Russia and foreign colleagues from the Republic of Belarus and India presented their vision of current problems and issues of practical medicine.
On December 5, the 10th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Current Issues of Medical Science and Education", dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Medical Institute of PSU, began its work at Penza State University. Teachers, postgraduates, residents, students of medical universities of Russia and foreign colleagues from the Republic of Belarus and India presented their vision of current problems and issues of practical medicine.

06.12.2024 11:19 PSU participates in the VII Forum of the Volga-Yangtze Association of Universities
Penza State University continues cooperation with colleagues from China. Today, on December 4, the University representatives took part in the VII Forum of the Volga-Yangtze Association of Universities. The Russian and Chinese sides discussed the role of the Association in developing Russian-Chinese cooperation. The participants summed up the results and outlined plans for further cooperation.
Penza State University continues cooperation with colleagues from China. Today, on December 4, the University representatives took part in the VII Forum of the Volga-Yangtze Association of Universities. The Russian and Chinese sides discussed the role of the Association in developing Russian-Chinese cooperation. The participants summed up the results and outlined plans for further cooperation.

06.12.2024 11:15 PSU student Hu Shengjie is a laureate of the IV Russian-Chinese Student Arts Festival
Penza State University student Hu Shengjie was among the laureates of the IV Russian-Chinese Student Arts Festival and was invited to the final gala concert, where he performed the piece «Вдоль по улице метелица метет». The event took place on December 3 at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.
Penza State University student Hu Shengjie was among the laureates of the IV Russian-Chinese Student Arts Festival and was invited to the final gala concert, where he performed the piece «Вдоль по улице метелица метет». The event took place on December 3 at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.

03.12.2024 14:17 PSU entered the Times Higher Education (THE) world ranking
Penza State University has achieved significant success by entering the prestigious Times Higher Education (THE) 2024 world ranking for interdisciplinary research in computer, physical, mechanical and life sciences.
Penza State University has achieved significant success by entering the prestigious Times Higher Education (THE) 2024 world ranking for interdisciplinary research in computer, physical, mechanical and life sciences.

29.11.2024 13:49 PSU hosts VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Language. Law. Society"
The VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Language. Law. Society" is held within the walls of Penza State University on November 27-29, 2024. The conference is organized within the framework of a subsidy from the federal budget to educational organizations of higher education for the implementation of events aimed at supporting student scientific communities (project "SSO-marathon: youth and science - together we create the future!", agreement dated May 30, 2024 No. 075-15-2024-597).
The VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Language. Law. Society" is held within the walls of Penza State University on November 27-29, 2024. The conference is organized within the framework of a subsidy from the federal budget to educational organizations of higher education for the implementation of events aimed at supporting student scientific communities (project "SSO-marathon: youth and science - together we create the future!", agreement dated May 30, 2024 No. 075-15-2024-597).
29.11.2024 11:29 The Institute of Teacher Education Expands Cooperation with Chinese Educational Institutions
On November 27, a working online meeting was held with representatives of the Bayingolin Vocational Institute (China), during which the possibilities of implementing a joint educational project in course "Pedagogical Education", bachelor’s degree programme "Preschool Education" were discussed.
On November 27, a working online meeting was held with representatives of the Bayingolin Vocational Institute (China), during which the possibilities of implementing a joint educational project in course "Pedagogical Education", bachelor’s degree programme "Preschool Education" were discussed.