
07.02.2025 09:30 PSU hosts a general meeting of the University Consortium of Big Data Researchers
On February 6, the general meeting of the University Consortium of Big Data Researchers took place at Penza State University. Representatives of universities gathered to sum up the work done, outline further plans for the development of the community and the launch of a number of new network projects.
On February 6, the general meeting of the University Consortium of Big Data Researchers took place at Penza State University. Representatives of universities gathered to sum up the work done, outline further plans for the development of the community and the launch of a number of new network projects.

06.02.2025 14:23 PSU is one of the best universities in the competition of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia for support of the Student Scientific Society
Penza State University is one of the best universities in the country in the competition of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia for the support of Student Scientific Societies.
Penza State University is one of the best universities in the country in the competition of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia for the support of Student Scientific Societies.

19.12.2024 12:53 PSU staff included in the top 2% of world scientists according to Stanford University
Penza State University researchers Yuri Smirnov and Dmitry Valovik have been included in the annual ranking of the world's best scientists according to Stanford University. The ranking is compiled by John Ioannidis's group. The annual ranking takes into account citations for 2023, and it also publishes a version with the researchers' results over their entire careers.
Penza State University researchers Yuri Smirnov and Dmitry Valovik have been included in the annual ranking of the world's best scientists according to Stanford University. The ranking is compiled by John Ioannidis's group. The annual ranking takes into account citations for 2023, and it also publishes a version with the researchers' results over their entire careers.

06.12.2024 11:23 "Medical Institute is Biomedical Cluster of the Penza Region": PSU holds the international conference "Current Issues of Medical Science and Education"
On December 5, the 10th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Current Issues of Medical Science and Education", dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Medical Institute of PSU, began its work at Penza State University. Teachers, postgraduates, residents, students of medical universities of Russia and foreign colleagues from the Republic of Belarus and India presented their vision of current problems and issues of practical medicine.
On December 5, the 10th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Current Issues of Medical Science and Education", dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Medical Institute of PSU, began its work at Penza State University. Teachers, postgraduates, residents, students of medical universities of Russia and foreign colleagues from the Republic of Belarus and India presented their vision of current problems and issues of practical medicine.

06.12.2024 11:19 PSU participates in the VII Forum of the Volga-Yangtze Association of Universities
Penza State University continues cooperation with colleagues from China. Today, on December 4, the University representatives took part in the VII Forum of the Volga-Yangtze Association of Universities. The Russian and Chinese sides discussed the role of the Association in developing Russian-Chinese cooperation. The participants summed up the results and outlined plans for further cooperation.
Penza State University continues cooperation with colleagues from China. Today, on December 4, the University representatives took part in the VII Forum of the Volga-Yangtze Association of Universities. The Russian and Chinese sides discussed the role of the Association in developing Russian-Chinese cooperation. The participants summed up the results and outlined plans for further cooperation.

29.11.2024 13:49 PSU hosts VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Language. Law. Society"
The VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Language. Law. Society" is held within the walls of Penza State University on November 27-29, 2024. The conference is organized within the framework of a subsidy from the federal budget to educational organizations of higher education for the implementation of events aimed at supporting student scientific communities (project "SSO-marathon: youth and science - together we create the future!", agreement dated May 30, 2024 No. 075-15-2024-597).
The VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Language. Law. Society" is held within the walls of Penza State University on November 27-29, 2024. The conference is organized within the framework of a subsidy from the federal budget to educational organizations of higher education for the implementation of events aimed at supporting student scientific communities (project "SSO-marathon: youth and science - together we create the future!", agreement dated May 30, 2024 No. 075-15-2024-597).

26.11.2024 11:34 PSU discussed the problems of computer science in education, management, economics and technology
The XXIV International Scientific and Technical Conference “Problems of Computer Science in Education, Management, Economics and Technology” was held at Penza State University on Friday, November 22, and became a significant event in the world of information technology and its application in various fields.
The XXIV International Scientific and Technical Conference “Problems of Computer Science in Education, Management, Economics and Technology” was held at Penza State University on Friday, November 22, and became a significant event in the world of information technology and its application in various fields.

26.11.2024 11:21 "Say No to Extremism!": International Youth Legal Forum Held at PSU for the 13th Time
The XIII International Youth Legal Forum "Say No to Extremism!", held on November 22 at Penza State University, became a significant event in the fight against extremism in Russia and abroad. The forum's more than ten-year history, which began in 2012, testifies to its constant relevance and effectiveness.
The XIII International Youth Legal Forum "Say No to Extremism!", held on November 22 at Penza State University, became a significant event in the fight against extremism in Russia and abroad. The forum's more than ten-year history, which began in 2012, testifies to its constant relevance and effectiveness.

01.11.2024 11:16 PSU students and young scientists are winners of the international scientific and practical conference held in the Republic of Belarus
Representatives of the Medical Institute of Penza State University became winners of the XXIV International scientific and practical conference of students and young scientists "Student Medical Science of the XXI century". The event was held at the Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University of the Republic of Belarus on October 24-25.
Representatives of the Medical Institute of Penza State University became winners of the XXIV International scientific and practical conference of students and young scientists "Student Medical Science of the XXI century". The event was held at the Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University of the Republic of Belarus on October 24-25.

29.10.2024 12:00 As part of the Student Scientific Communities project, a webinar was held with Serbian experts
On October 23, an international webinar on current issues and prospects for implementing IT technologies was held for students of the Medical Institute and the Polytechnic Institute with the participation of Serbian experts.
On October 23, an international webinar on current issues and prospects for implementing IT technologies was held for students of the Medical Institute and the Polytechnic Institute with the participation of Serbian experts.

23.10.2024 10:08 Penza State University Enters BRICS Universities Ranking
On October 17, the Association of Rating Compilers (includes RAEX, Russian Public Opinion Research Center) presented the results of the first pilot version of the BRICS universities ranking. The shortlist included 825 universities. Penza State University was in the 301–350 interval group.
On October 17, the Association of Rating Compilers (includes RAEX, Russian Public Opinion Research Center) presented the results of the first pilot version of the BRICS universities ranking. The shortlist included 825 universities. Penza State University was in the 301–350 interval group.

18.10.2024 10:39 PSU hosts a series of online lectures “Indian and Russian Knowledge System”
A series of online lectures entitled “Indian and Russian Knowledge System” was held at Penza State University from October 10 to 11. The event was held jointly with Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University within the framework of the current cooperation agreement.
A series of online lectures entitled “Indian and Russian Knowledge System” was held at Penza State University from October 10 to 11. The event was held jointly with Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University within the framework of the current cooperation agreement.

11.07.2024 09:37 Call for applications from researchers for an international forum dedicated to the issues of internationalization of Russian higher education
The International Forum “Internationalization of Russian Higher Education: Pedagogical Innovations, Issues, Prospects” will be held at Penza State University from October 17 to 18. Within the framework of the forum, a meeting of the Federal Academic Methodological Association of Higher Education on courses in 44.00.00 “Education and Pedagogical Sciences” will be held.
The International Forum “Internationalization of Russian Higher Education: Pedagogical Innovations, Issues, Prospects” will be held at Penza State University from October 17 to 18. Within the framework of the forum, a meeting of the Federal Academic Methodological Association of Higher Education on courses in 44.00.00 “Education and Pedagogical Sciences” will be held.

02.07.2024 17:27 PSU students took several prizes in the III International Student Online Conference in English
Students of Penza State University took several prizes in the III International student online conference in English “21ST CENTURY MEDICINE: TRADITIONS, INNOVATIONS, NEW PRIORITIES”.
Students of Penza State University took several prizes in the III International student online conference in English “21ST CENTURY MEDICINE: TRADITIONS, INNOVATIONS, NEW PRIORITIES”.

18.06.2024 15:39 PSU representative takes part in the seminar of Polessky State University (Belarus)
As part of the cooperation between Polessky State University and Penza State University, the Faculty of Engineering was visited by Professor Sergei Kireev, Dean of the Faculty of Industrial Technologies, Power Engineering and Transport, Doctor of Engineering Sciences.
As part of the cooperation between Polessky State University and Penza State University, the Faculty of Engineering was visited by Professor Sergei Kireev, Dean of the Faculty of Industrial Technologies, Power Engineering and Transport, Doctor of Engineering Sciences.

27.05.2024 16:27 Penza State University strengthens research ties with scientists from Morocco and India
On May 21-22, as part of the events dedicated to the celebration of the 35th anniversary of international activity at the university, the research teams of Penza State University held the working meetings with the representatives of Parul University (Republic of India) and Universiapolis – International University of Agadir (Kingdom of Morocco).
On May 21-22, as part of the events dedicated to the celebration of the 35th anniversary of international activity at the university, the research teams of Penza State University held the working meetings with the representatives of Parul University (Republic of India) and Universiapolis – International University of Agadir (Kingdom of Morocco).

20.05.2024 12:05 Problems of functioning and teaching the Russian language in the modern world were discussed at PSU
On May 15, the grand opening of the International Scientific Forum “Russian language in the modern world: problems of functioning and teaching” took place, which is held as part of the 35th anniversary of the international activities of PSU.
On May 15, the grand opening of the International Scientific Forum “Russian language in the modern world: problems of functioning and teaching” took place, which is held as part of the 35th anniversary of the international activities of PSU.

24.04.2024 11:03 Online seminar "Topical Issues of Modern Russian Studies" brings together scholars from Russia and Armenia
The seminar follows the cycle of thematic meetings within the framework of cooperation between the universities of Penza, Petrozavodsk and Yerevan.
The seminar follows the cycle of thematic meetings within the framework of cooperation between the universities of Penza, Petrozavodsk and Yerevan.

22.04.2024 15:01 PSU representatives made presentations at an international conference in Kazakhstan
On Thursday, April 18, associate professors of the department of “Pedagogy and Psychology” of Penza State University Olga Gruzdova and Natalia Shcherbakova took an active part in the International scientific and practical conference “Early profilisation as the basis for professional self-determination and personal development” (Kokshetau, Kazakhstan).
On Thursday, April 18, associate professors of the department of “Pedagogy and Psychology” of Penza State University Olga Gruzdova and Natalia Shcherbakova took an active part in the International scientific and practical conference “Early profilisation as the basis for professional self-determination and personal development” (Kokshetau, Kazakhstan).

17.04.2024 09:48 The study guide “Functional Reading: Theory and Practice” by PSU Professor Galina Prantsova was published in Kazakhstan
The study guide offers various text-based strategies (reading and writing) that are designed to promote the development of functional reading and functional literacy skills.
The study guide offers various text-based strategies (reading and writing) that are designed to promote the development of functional reading and functional literacy skills.