Department of Pedagogy and Psychology

The Department of Pedagogy and Psychology originated in 1939 and strived to work in the context of the educational policy, which proclaimed the connection between education and life.

The teaching staff of the department pay special attention to career guidance. They give lectures and deliver reports on the essence of career guidance, forms and methods of its implementation. Creative groups on career guidance are created in secondary and higher education institutions in the Penza Region. Together with their students the teaching staff conduct scientific, practical and educational seminars and developed career guidance plans for schools, gymnasiums and lyceums. The department has repeatedly summarized pedagogical experience and republished methodological recommendations for interns, teachers and principals.

The department is engaged in a great deal of public work. The teaching staff give lectures on psychological and pedagogical issues for schools, companies and enterprises in Penza and the Penza Region. To help teachers on education and re-education of troubled and neglected children, they have issued the methodological recommendations.

The Department of Pedagogy and Psychology oversees the activity of four student research teams. The first team called “Psychology of Development” ensures the active participation of students in scientific conferences, competitions and workshops, assists them in mastering the methodology of independent research in psychology and enables in mastering research skills and developing creative thinking. The student research team “Pedagogy for All” unites students, who conduct basic and applied research in pedagogy, as well as provides psychological and pedagogical support for all participants in the teaching and learning process. Developing public speaking skills, enhancing professional competence, encouraging creativity and innovation are in the focus of the student research teams “Trivium” and “Reflection and Me”.




     Educational Management
     Pedagogy and Psychology of Education
     Social Pedagogy
     Theory and Practice of Inclusive Education


     General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education
     Theory and Methods of Professional Education



Research topics

•    Socialization and personality development in social institutions
•    Professional determination as a process and result of students’ socialization in the educational system
•    Psychological guidance of academic process members under lifelong learning
•    Theory and practice of social adaptiveness of future teachers in academic process


Penza Gymnasium no. 1
Penza School no. 30



Prof. Dr. Marina Lygina
Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor
Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology

37 Lermontova Street, building 11, office 348
Tel.: +7 (8412) 20-28-90
Web-page of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology (in Russian)

Дата создания: 15.03.2014 22:50
Дата обновления: 19.10.2023 10:06