Practical Phonetics
Semesters: 1, 2, 3
Form of assessment: exam
• developing pronunciation skills necessary for professional communication
On successful completion of this course of study students should be able to:
• develop pronunciation skills;
• analyse and contrast phonetic phenomena of the native and foreign languages;
• demonstrate a grasp of pronunciation norms, accent rules, and intonation of the foreign language; literary norm and deviation from it;
• apply theoretical knowledge while reading and speaking, and also while teaching children at school.
Structure and functions of intonation. The main components of intonation: changing tone pitch, volume of sound, tempo. Intonation syntagmatic phrase segmentation. Syntagma and intonation group. Rhythmic group. Distinctive function of intonation.
Basic intonation models. Their structure and components. Intonation and rhythmic organization of the text. Intonation structure and its main elements.
Intonation models classification. Level and range of tone. Kernel tones: low falling, low rising, falling-rising, mid-level tone. Meaning of intonation models.
Emphasis. Phrase accent. Syntagmatic, rhythmic, logical accent. Changing the rate of speech and pause length. Syntactic, emphatic, hesitation pauses.
Intonation of different communicative types of sentences. Affirmative, interrogative, imperative, exclamatory sentence intonation.
Дата обновления: 23.10.2017 10:31