Practical Grammar

Semesters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


Form of assessment: exam


• developing knowledge of grammatical norms of the foreign language;
• teaching students to apply these norms in practice;
• comparing grammatical phenomena of the native and foreign languages.


On successful completion of this course of study students should be able to:
• show awareness of the grammatical structure of the foreign language;
• analyse grammatical phenomena of the native and foreign languages;
• apply grammatical forms and structures correctly in speaking and writing to achieve communicative purposes;
• demonstrate a grasp of grammatical norms and deviation from norms according to communication situations (formal and informal styles);




Syntax as a study of word-combinations, sentences, and texts.

Syntactical units. Word-combinations. Their general characteristic. Types of cohesion in a word-combination: government, agreement and adjunction. Types of word combinations. Their characteristics.

The sentence. Its general characteristic. Affirmative sentence. Syntactic analysis. Interrogative sentence. Sentences with and without a question-word. Imperative sentence. Their classification. Elliptical sentences. Negative sentences. Negative particle and negative pronouns.

The main parts of the sentence. Their characteristic. The subject. The subject expressed by different parts of speech. The predicate. Types of predicates.

Subordinate parts of the sentence. General characteristic.

Attribute. Its definition and types.

Object. Types of objects. Objects expressed by different parts of speech.

Adverbial modifier. Its classification.

Complex sentence. Conjunctionless sentences. Compound sentences. Conjunctions and conjunction words. Complex sentence with subordinate clauses. Types of subordinate clauses.

Text. Its general characteristic. Segmentation of the text. Types of cohesion and coherence.

Дата создания: 23.10.2017 10:55
Дата обновления: 23.10.2017 10:55