Control and IT in Technical Systems
Duration: 4 years (8 semesters)
ECTS: 240
Fields of study: Automation and Control Systems, Software for Automation and Control Systems
Language of instruction: Russian, English (on request)
The programme provides Bachelor’s degree students with academic knowledge and practical skills in engineering, studying, producing and operating control systems and facilities in manufacturing and defence industry, economy, transport, agriculture, and medicine.
In the course of the programme Bachelor’s degree students should acquire knowledge required for the development of modern software and hardware for studying, engineering, controlling, technical diagnosing and industrial testing of automatic control systems.
The graduates obtain professional skills of building automation and control systems, developing components and devices of automation systems, as well as their software.
Forms of in-class activity: lectures, laboratory work, practical classes, review sessions, and students’ individual work.
research activity:
• to train Bachelor’s degree students capable of analysing scientific and technological data, best national and foreign practices in automation and control;
• to instruct students to conduct experiments at operating facilities according to the methods adopted;
• to prepare students for processing the results of experimental studies using modern information technologies and technical means;
• to teach students how to conduct computing experiments applying standard software in order to obtain mathematical models of automation and control processes and facilities;
• to form students’ skills required for preparing reviews, papers, scientific publications and reports at scientific conferences and workshops;
• to upgrade students’ skills of protecting intellectual property rights and research results;
project and engineering activity:
• to broaden students’ skills of preparing technical and economic feasibility of projects on producing automation and control systems and facilities;
• to provide students with skills required for collecting and analysing source data for calculation and design of automation and control systems and devices;
• to instruct Bachelor’s degree students to calculate and engineer separate units and devices of automation and control systems in accordance with technical tasks;
• to prepare students for elaborating design and detailed records, filing reports on design works completed;
• to form students’ ability to control the conformity of the projects developed and technical records with the standards, technical conditions and other regulations;
management activity:
• to upgrade students’ skills required for organising work of small groups;
• to develop students’ ability to prepare organisational and technical records (timelines, manuals, plans, cost estimates) and paperwork approved;
• to prepare students for certifying hardware, systems, processes, equipment and materials.
On successful completion of the course, the student should be able to:
• conduct experiments at operating facilities according to the methods adopted and process the results of experimental studies using modern information technologies and technical means;
• conduct computing experiments applying standard software in order to obtain mathematical models of automation and control processes and facilities;
• prepare technical and economic feasibility of projects on producing automation and control systems and facilities;
• collect and analyse source data for calculating and designing automation and control systems and devices;
• calculate and engineer separate units and devices of automation and control systems and choose standard automation equipment, measuring equipment and computers for designing automation and control systems in accordance with technical tasks;
• complete tasks of certifying hardware, systems, processes, equipment and materials;
• use key techniques while processing and presenting experimental data;
• seek, store, process and analyse information from various sources and data bases, present it in the required form using information, computer and network technologies;
• have computer skills, use methods of information technologies, comply with general requirements of cyber security.
The graduates are able to work in research, design and production enterprises, taking part in engineering, producing and operating systems of automation, control, technical diagnosis and information support. The graduates may also choose to complete a Master’s degree programme.
Дата обновления: 09.11.2017 16:48