Economic Security: Economy and Industrial Organisation at Controlled-Access Enterprises

Duration: 5 years (10 semesters)
ECTS: 300
Fields of study: Economic Security, Calculations and Economics, Economic Projects, Law-Enforcement, Supervision and Auditing
Languages of instruction: Russian, English (on request)



The Specialist's degree programme is focused on delivering deep theoretical knowledge in the field of economic security of the society, state and personality. As a result of the educational process the graduates should be able to apply fundamental knowledge in the field of administrative law, audit, accounting, tax auditing and forensic economic examination, economic analysis, industrial organization at controlled-access enterprises, organization’s economy and other disciplines.

The course includes lectures, laboratory practice, seminars, unsupervised student work.




in the field of economic calculations and economic projects:
•    establishment of a system of qualitative and quantitative criteria of economic security, indicators of threshold and critical situations of economic systems and enterprises;
•    preparation of initial data for calculation of economic and socioeconomic indices that characterize the activity of economic entities;
•    calculation of economic and socioeconomic indices on the basis of standard techniques taking into account existing normative and legal bases, development and substantiation of a system of economic and socioeconomic indices that characterize the activity of economic entities;
•    development of economic sections of plans at enterprises and organizations;
•    preparation of tasks and development of project solutions, methodological and normative documents;

in the field of law-enforcement:
•    provision of legality, law and order, economic security of the society, state, personality and other business entities;
•    protection of private, municipal and other forms of property;
•    assistance to physical and legal entities in protection of rights and legal interests; provision of conditions and guarantees for entrepreneurial activity;
•    implementation of measures neutralizing economy destabilization factors;
•    prevention, elimination, exposure and solving of crimes and other infringements in the field of economy;

in the field of controlling and auditing:
•    supervision of formation and execution of budgets in the budget system of Russia, budgets of state non-budget funds, budget estimates, prevention, exposure and suppression of violations at formation and exploitation of state and municipal resources;
•    internal control and audit system efficiency assessment at state and municipal bodies, organizations and institutions of various forms of property;

in the field of information analysis:
•    search and estimation of information sources, analysis of data necessary for economic calculations;
•    monitoring of current economic and financial situations at economic entities to evaluate reliability of resource potential, stability and strength of their activities;
•    monitoring of economic processes, collection, analysis and assessment of information important for economic security; exposure of economic risks and threats to economic security;
•    processing of statistical data arrays, economic indices that characterize social and economic processes in accordance with a set objective, analysis, interpretation, assessment of obtained results and substantiation of conclusions;
•    projects’ economic efficiency assessment; simulation of economic processes to analyze and forecast threats to economic security;
•    information analytical support for prevention, exposure, elimination, solving and investigation of economic and tax crimes;
•    monitoring of economic processes correlation and dynamics of law infringements and crimes;

in the field of consulting:
•    implementation of forensic economic examination;
•    research on instruction of law-enforcement bodies;
•    expert estimation of enterprise’s financial and economic activities to determine a current financial situation;
•    assessment of risk factors that may lead to critical socioeconomic situations; forecasting possible emergency socioeconomic situations, development and implementation of preventing or mitigating measures for such situations;
•    assessment of possible economic losses in case of compromised economic and financial security and determination of necessary compensation reserves;
•    economic examination of normative legal acts;
•    development of methodological recommendations on economic security provision for business;
•    consulting on the issues of exposure of potential and real threats to economic security.




On successful completion of the course, the graduates should be able to:
•    calculate economic and socioeconomic indices that characterize the activity of economic entities on the basis of standard methods and an active normative legal base;
•    perform organization’s activity planning and reporting, develop project solutions, sections of current and prospective plans of economic development, business plans, budgets, audit documentation, cost standards and corresponding suggestions on implementation of developed projects, plans, programmes;
•    implement accounting, financial, operational, managerial and statistical audits of economic entities; apply methods and standards of accounting, tax, budget audits, preparation and submission of accounting, tax, budget reports;
•    conduct administrative violation proceedings;
•    comply with legal requirements in the field of state secret protection and information security, provision of secrecy in the course of professional activity;
•    analyze and interpret financial, accounting or other information from audit reports, to use obtained data for making decisions concerning prevention, spotting and neutralization of economic security threats;
•    organize and conduct inspections of economic entities’ financial and economic activities;
•    carry out complex analysis of economic security threats when planning and implementing innovative projects;
•    conduct expert examination of risk factors that may lead to critical socioeconomic situations, to assess possible economic losses in case of economic and financial security violations, to determine necessary compensation reserves;
•    conduct economic examination of normative legal acts to expose potential threats to economic security;
•    develop a strategy of providing economic security at enterprises and organizations, to prepare its implementation programmes;
•    prevent crimes and other infringements through analyzing regularities of economic crimes and prevention methods; to expose and eliminate crime stimulating reasons and conditions.




The graduates can work at the Federal Anti-Monopoly Service, the Federal Treasury, the Federal Tax Service, the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography and other state structures that control and supervise financial and economic fields; at internal control services of banks and other credit organization, audit companies, insurance and leasing companies; at economic security departments of enterprises etc.

Дата создания: 16.10.2017 14:02
Дата обновления: 16.10.2017 14:02