Practical Phonetics

Semesters: 1, 2, 3


Form of assessment: pass-fail exam




• developing pronunciation skills necessary for professional communication




On successful completion of this course of study students should be able to:
• develop pronunciation skills;
• analyse and contrast phonetic phenomena of the native and foreign languages;
• demonstrate a grasp of pronunciation norms, accent rules, and intonation of the foreign language; literary norm and deviation from it;
• apply theoretical knowledge while reading and speaking, and also while teaching children at school.




Developing and correcting the pronunciation of sounds.

The concept of a sound system of the language, its components (phonemes, syllables, word accent, intonation). Phonetic transcription.

Pronunciation norm of the foreign language. Organs of articulation and its functions in producing sounds. Vocals and consonants.

Comparing articulation in the native and foreign languages. Breathing and articulation exercises. Verbal and nonverbal communication.

Classification of vocals. Articulation of vocals. Differences between Russian and foreign vocals.

Classification of consonants. Articulation of consonants. Correction of pronouncing consonants. Differences between Russian and foreign consonants.

Articulation of long and short monophthongs and diphthongs. Consonants which have no analogues in Russian.

Positional changes in the flow of speech. Reduction of vocals. Full vocals in unstressed syllables. Weak and strong forms of vocals. Assimilation.

Syllables. Syllable division and syllable formation. Syllable stress.

Word stress. Word accentuation.

Дата создания: 23.10.2017 10:23
Дата обновления: 23.10.2017 10:28