Human Resource Management

Duration: 4 years (8 semesters)
ECTS: 240
Fields of study: Principles of Personnel Management, the Humanities
Languages of instruction: Russian, English (on request)



The given bachelor programme provides training of highly qualified specialists who are engaged in managerial, analytical, economic, social and psychological, project activity in the sphere of choosing, adapting, motivating and training of the organization’s staff. 

Forms of in-class activity: lectures, laboratory classes, seminars, trainings, business games, role plays.




On successful completion of the course, the student should:
•    know the principles of developing and implementing the concepts of personnel management, recruitment policy, principles of strategic personnel management, principles of forming and using labour potential, intellectual capital of the organization and individual employee and can apply them to practice;
•    know the principles of personnel planning and control, principles of personnel marketing; be able to develop and implement the strategy of recruiting staff and apply them to practice;
•    know the principles of developing and introducing the criteria of selecting and appointing staff, principles of recruitment and introducing the technologies of selecting staff; know the methods of business evaluation of staff when hiring them and can apply them to practice;
•    know the principles of socialization, career guidance and professional development of staff, principles of forming the system of staff labour adaptation, developing and introducing programmes of labour adaptation and be able to apply them to practice;
•    know the principles of scientific organization and control of work, have the skills of analyzing work and workplaces, optimizing the norms of service and number, effectively organize group work based on processes of group dynamics and principles of team building and be able to apply them to practice;
•    know the principles of professional personnel development, processes of training, career management and professional promotion of staff, working with staff reserve, types, forms and methods of personnel training and be able to apply them to practice;
•    know goals, objectives and types of rating and other types of current business personnel assessment according to strategic organizational plans, be able to develop and apply the technologies of current business assessment of staff and have skills of rating, as well as of other types of current business assessment of different personnel categories;
•    know the principles and basics of forming the motivation system and staff incentives (including salaries), procedures of disciplinary actions, have skills of documenting the results of control over labour and performance discipline (documents on rewards and disciplinary actions) and apply them to practice;
•    know the principles of developing and introducing staff and management documentation, optimizing document flow and schemes of functional relations between departments, the principles of developing and introducing procedures of regulating labour relations and accompanying documentation;
•    be able to manage staff records and organize archive storage of staff documents according to statutes in place, know the principles of staff statistics, have skills of drawing staff records as well as skills of acquainting the employees with staff documentation and local regulatory acts, be able to protect personal data of employees.

Дата создания: 23.10.2017 14:16
Дата обновления: 06.11.2020 15:02