Human Resource Management in Business Organisations and State Administration
Degree: MASTER
Duration: 2 years (4 semesters)
ECTS: 120
Fields of study: Principles of Personnel Management, the Humanities
Languages of instruction: Russian, English (on request)
Master's degree programme “Personnel management in business organizations and state administration” provides training of qualified specialists whose general cultural and professional competences are developed, who are able to manage personnel, perform labour tasks to achieve the goals of organizations of different forms of property and in state administration.
Forms of in-class activity: lectures, laboratory classes, seminars, trainings, business games, role plays.
On successful completion of the course, the student should be able to:
• manage a team in the sphere of their professional activity, be tolerant to social, ethnical, confessional and cultural differences;
• demonstrate a complex vision of modern issues in personnel management in an organization and understand correlation between organization management on the whole and its personnel in particular;
• consider and evaluate the tasks of increasing efficiency of using and developing personnel;
• create a team of professionals and work effectively in teams, support their own opinion, persuade, find compromises and alternative decisions;
• use the principles of social responsibility when developing and implementing the organizational strategy including its personnel strategy;
• know modern technologies of personnel management and implement them effectively in their professional activity;
• know the methods of identifying social and economic system efficiency, technologies of personnel management and have skills of using calculation results to make decisions in the sphere of optimizing personnel management system functioning or its subsystems;
• know methods and software tools of processing business information, activity analysis and personnel management; be able to interact with information technologies agencies and effectively utilize corporate information systems;
• identify and formulate relevant scientific problems of personnel management;
• be able to develop and apply methods and tools of conducting research in the personnel management system and analyze its results.
Дата обновления: 06.11.2020 15:02