Sergei Vasin
Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation
Tel.: +7 (8412) 66-62-46
Working hours: Monday to Friday from 8.00 to 17.00, lunch break from 12.00 to 13.00
Visiting hours: Monday from 15.00 to 17.00, Thursday from 9.00 to 11.00
Sergey Vasin was born on 15 March 1975 in Nikolsky sub-district of the Penza region.
In 1997 he graduated with honours from V.G. Belinsky Penza State Pedagogical University, majoring in Biology. In 2001 he received the second higher education at the Institute of Economics and Law (Kursk), majoring in Business Accounting and Auditing.
In 2001 he completed postgraduate studies at V.G. Belinsky Penza State Pedagogical University and defended the thesis on “Improvement of human resource management processes at the enterprise (as exemplified by the enterprises of machine building and metalworking industry in Penza)” (Economics, field of study 08.00.05 Economics and Economy Management: Economics, Organisation and Management of Enterprises, Industries and Complexes: Industry).
From 2003 to 2006 he pursued doctoral studies in St. Petersburg State University. In 2007 he defended the thesis on “Transformation of regional social and economic system” (Economics, fields of study 08.00.01 Economic Theory, 08.00.05 Economics and Management of National Economy: Regional Economy).
From April 1997 to March 2001 he was a teaching assistant at the Department of Management and Economic Theory, V.G. Belinsky Penza State Pedagogical University. From April 2001 to July 2002 he served as an Associate Professor at the same department. From 2001 to 2003 he held the position of Deputy Dean at the Faculty of Economics and Management, V.G. Belinsky Penza State Pedagogical University. In July 2002 he was appointed the Head of the Department of Management and Economic Theory (nowadays the Department of Economic Theory and International Relations).
From 2005 to 2012 he served as Vice Rector for Research at V.G. Belinsky Penza State Pedagogical University. From October 2012 to June 2015 he was an adviser to the rector’s office at Penza State University. In June 2015 he was appointed Vice-Rector for International Affairs at Penza State University.
In August 2019 he occupied the position of Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation.
Sergey Vasin is the Doctor of Economics, Professor. He is the Professor at the Department of Economic Theory and International Relations.
His research interests lie in management of the social and economic system (general theoretical and regional aspects). He teaches the following disciplines: Strategic Management, Strategic Economic Analysis, and Personnel Management.
He has authored over 250 scientific papers, including more than 20 monographs, about 30 textbooks and study guides. The most significant papers include:
1. Vasin S.M., Bobrov V.A., Viktorova N.D. and others. Human capital: theory and practice of management in the social and economic systems. – Moscow: INFRA-M, 2015. – 290 p.
2. Vasin S.M., Bareeva I.A. Developing a model for effective management of a general educational institution based on rational assigning of administrative influences. – Penza: PSU, 2015. – 242 p.
3. Vasin S.M., Bondarenko V.V., Reznik S.D. and others. Modern issues in management. –Moscow: INFRA-M, 2014. – 243 p.
4. Vasin S.M., Gamidullaeva L.A. Improving management of business incubator as a social and economic system. – Penza: PSU, 2013. – 218 p.
5. Vasin S.M., Kulikova N.A., Gamidullaeva L.A. Cluster policies and cluster initiatives: theory, methods, practice. – Penza: PSUAC, 2014. – 212 p.
Research articles:
1. Vasin S.M., Gamidullaeva L.A. Development of a basic system of the innovation system. Review of European Studies. Vol. 7. No. 11. 2015. p. 175-183. (Published by the Canadian Center of Science and Education). Included in Scopus.
2. Vasin S.M., Gamidullaeva L.A. Increasing the efficiency of state institutional aid to small innovative enterprises. Review of European Studies. Vol. 7. No. 11. 2015. p. 77-88. (Published by the Canadian Center of Science and Education). Included in Scopus.
3. Vasin S.M., Borisova V.D., Petrosyan N.E., Korolev K.Y., Zhalilov R.R., Kryukova L.I. Estimation of effectiveness of the international quality management system implementation on the example of an industrial enterprise. Asian Social Science; Vol. 11, No. 14; 2015; p. 228-234 (Canada, Canadian Center of Science and Education). Included in Scopus.
4. Vasin S.M., Gamidullaeva L.A. Modeling and development of a methodology for assessing the socio-economic processes in the management of business incubators. Mediterranean Journal of Social Science; Vol. 6, No. 3; May 2015; p. 212-220 (MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy). Included in Scopus.
5. Vasin S.M., Gamidullaeva L.A. Methodical approach and tools to improve the efficiency of managing of the innovation potential in the context of economic globalization. Review of European Studies; Vol. 7, No. 3; 2015; p. 124-139 (published by the Canadian Center of Science and Education). Included in Scopus.
6. Vasin S.M., Gamidullaeva L.A. The development of the assessment methods of the organizational potential of the institutions of high education. Asian Social Science; Vol. 10, No. 24; 2014; p. 285-296 (Canada, Canadian Center of Science and Education). Included in Scopus.
7. Vasin S.M., Gamidullaeva L.A. Towards the development of the basic model of the innovation system: Problems and solutions. Global Journal of Business, Economics and Management. Vol. 5. No. 1. 2015. p. 26-35 (Academic World Education & Research Center). Included in ERIH.
8. Vasin S.M., Bareeva I.A. Features in methods of studying management of a general educational institution. Bulletin of Saratov State Social and Economic University. – Saratov: SSSEU, 2012. No. 4 (43). – P. 83-87. (HAC of the Russian Federation).
9. Vasin S.M., Bareeva I.A. Formation of scientific views on the category of general educational institutions management. Central Russian Bulletin of Social Sciences. – Orel: Orel branch of the RANEPA, 2012. No. 4. – P. 161-165. (HAC of the Russian Federation).
10. Vasin S.M., Bareeva I.A. On improving the management system of a general education institution. Proceedings of V.G. Belinsky PSPU. – Penza: PSPU, 2011. No. 24. – P. 251-255.
Textbooks and study guides:
1. Bondarenko V.V., Vasin S.M., Sedletskiy A.V. Organisational behaviour. Study guide. – Moscow: KNORUS, 2015. – 288 p.
2. Reznik S.D., Vasin S.M., Levina S.Sh. Management of a higher educational institution. Textbook. – Moscow: INFRA-M, 2014. – 416 p.
3. Vasin S.M., Shutov V.S. Risk management at the enterprise. Study guide. – Moscow: KNORUS, 2010. – 304 p.
He has the following awards and honorary titles:
1. Certificate of Merit from the Legislative Assembly of the Penza region (2015);
2. Medal from the Federal Service of State Statistics “For Merits in 2012 All-Russian Population Census” (2012);
3. Laureate of the Honour Board in Leninsky sub-district of Penza (2010);
4. Letter of acknowledgment from the Governor of the Penza region (2010);
5. Letter of acknowledgment from the Head of the City of Penza (2009);
6. Letter of acknowledgment from the Administration of Penza (2009);
7. Letter of acknowledgment from the Government of the Penza region (2009);
8. Letter of acknowledgment from the Government of the Penza region (2008);
9. Certificate of Honour from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (2008);
10. Letter of acknowledgment from the Administration of Penza (2007);
11. Medal from the Federal Service of State Statistics “For Merits in 2006 All-Russian Agricultural Census” (2006);
12. Laureate of All-Russian competitions for the best scientific book held by the Foundation for the Development of Russian Education among academics of higher educational institutions (Sochi, 2004, 2005, 2007) in categories “Economics” and “Management”;
13. Prize for achievements in science from the Governor of the Penza region (2002);
14. Scholarship from the Government of the Russian Federation (1999).
Дата обновления: 16.03.2023 14:26