Viktor Mekhanov

Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs

Tel.: +7 (8412) 66-62-45

Working hours: Monday to Friday from 8.00 to 17.00, lunch break from 12.00 to 13.00
Visiting hours: Monday from 15.00 to 17.00, Thursday from 9.00 to 11.00


Viktor Mekhanov was born on 23 April, 1957 in Penza. In 1974 he finished no. 33 secondary school with a gold medal and entered Penza Polytechnic Institute to study electronic computing machines. In his second year he started participating in research work of the department of “Computer Engineering”. In 1979 he graduated from the institute with distinction.

After graduation he started working at the Department of “Computer Engineering” as an engineer, then as a junior research assistant. In 1982 he started a full-time post-graduate course at Penza State University in 05.13.05 “Elements and devices of computer engineering and control systems”. In 1985 he defended his thesis and stayed at the department of “Computer Engineering” as a teaching assistant. In 1987 he became a senior teacher and in 1989 – an associate professor of the same department. As a teacher he took part in developing and implementing a number of disciplines of the speciality “Computing machines, complexes, systems and networks”, such as “Principles of creating microprocessor systems”, “Computer operating”, “Computer peripherals”, “Microprocessor systems”, etc.

In 1986 he was appointed Vice Dean of the Faculty of Computer Engineering, in 1997 – Dean of the Faculty of Additional Education, in 2000 – Vice Rector for Informatization, in 2004 – Vice Rector for academic affairs. Since 2011 he has been combining his position of Vice Rector for academic affairs with the position of head of department “Computer Engineering”. From 2000 till 2010 he headed Cross-Industry regional centre for professional development and staff retraining, from 2002 he was the head of Penza regional centre for Internet education. Since the beginning of the RF Presidential programme for training managers in economics he has been its head in Penza State University. As Vice Dean for Informatization he took part in the regional programme “Developing the integrated education and information environment of the Penza Region in 2001-2006”.

He is an active member of the Academy of Education Informatization, an expert of the Association of Engineering Education in Russia, an expert of Federal Education and Science Supervision Service. He was a member of the public council under the Government of the Penza Region and a member of the expert council for public independent examination of legislation. He has the following awards: “Honorary worker of higher professional education of the Russian Federation” (2003), “Presidential programme for training managers in economics” ( 2002), awards from the governor of the Penza Region and Penza Administration Head, a letter of gratitude from the Minister of Economic Development and Trade (2007).

Research interests: information and computer systems, telecommunication, providing multiple access and distributed information processing.

He has about 100 research and methodological works, including four author’s certificates. Among his works are:
Multi dimensional statistical analysis based on hashing. 1982
Automated system of controlling optical original discs. 1990.
Telecommunication properties of educational network resources. 2004.
Conventional microprocessor architecture features. 2010.
Modelling algorithms of queuing service in enabled network. 2011.

Дата создания: 11.11.2014 21:22
Дата обновления: 16.03.2023 14:25