
Penza State University has the Clinical Medical Centre, where each student and staff member can get various medical services.

The centre includes three departments: outpatient, dental and daypatient. Such doctors as therapists, E.N.T. specialists, obstetrician-gynecologists, eye specialists, surgeons, neuropsychiatrists, cardiologists, narcologists, thyroid specialists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, skin specialists, infectious disease specialists, dentists, cosmeticians, traumatologists provide outpatient reception hours in the clinical medical centre.

Customers can undergo laboratory tests, ultrasonography, ECG, photofluorography and X-ray examination. Moreover, they can take advantage of services of physiotherapy and massage rooms, inhalatorium, and medical physical culture room.

The complete list of services is provided by the University Clinical Medical Centre.



Clinical Medical Centre of Penza State University
Penza, 2B Marshala Krylova Street, floor 1-2
Tel: +7 (8412) 64-34-11, +7 (8412) 64-34-12, +7 (8412) 99-81-40

Дата создания: 24.04.2017 17:21
Дата обновления: 25.01.2024 09:55