Institutes and Faculties

The academic structure of Penza State University comprises the following units:

•    Institutes forming the largest structural units that carry out educational and research activity and embracing faculties;

•    Faculties functioning as the educational, research and administrative structural units, which provide training for students and graduate students in one or more related study fields, and including departments;

•    Departments serving as the major structural units of the faculty and delivering training within a specific study field.

Polytechnic Institute

Faculty of Computer Engineering
Faculty of Industrial Technologies, Power Engineering and Transport
Faculty of Information Technologies and Electronics

Institute of Teacher Education

Faculty of History, Languages and Literature
Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Sciences
Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Medical Institute

Faculty of General Medicine
Faculty of Dentistry

Institute of Sport and Physical Training

Institute of Economics and Administration

Institute of Law

Дата создания: 30.10.2014 17:18
Дата обновления: 29.09.2020 22:37