Faculty of Dentistry

The Faculyy of Dentistry is a newly-formed university unit. Due to growing demand, it has successfully expanded from several dentistry departments and now offers full-time and part-time training to more than 1500 students. They are trained in dental and prosthetic practice, diagnosis and treatment within a wide range of diseases, injuries and defects. Having mastered the theoretical basics, students move on to acquiring practical skills in multiple laboratories and dentist clinic for outpatients.

The faculty is committed to promoting oral health and quality of life in the whole population through the excellence in education, research and innovation. Its staff and students challenge existing knowledge to foster problem-solving and new discovery in dentistry. It boasts state of the art facilities – well-equipped study rooms, phantom heads skills labs, prosthetic laboratories and the Centre for Computer Dental Technologies.

Teaching staff are all practising specialists and active researchers who provide essential knowledge and skills and engage students in the exciting realm of medical research, thus giving them a passport to successful careers in the modern world of dental practice and preparing them for lifelong healthcare learning.




Clinical residency

     Child Dentistry
     Operative Dentistry
     Oral Surgery
     Orthopaedic Dentistry
     Surgical Dentistry




Hygiene, Public Health and Healthcare
Maxillo-Facial Surgery
Paediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics


Prof. Dr. Larisa Ziulkina
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor
Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry

56 Chkalova Street, building 17, office 209
Tel.: +7 (8412) 64-31-90
E-mail: stomat-faculty@pnzgu.ru, Decanat-stom@yandex.ru

Dr. Elena Vorobyova

Candidate of Social Sciences, Associate Professor
Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs

Dr. Marina Suvorova
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor
Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs

Dr. Anastasiia Efremova
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor
Deputy Dean for Research

Official web-page of the Faculty of Dentistry
(in Russian)

Дата создания: 27.05.2020 12:43
Дата обновления: 22.01.2024 14:09