Penza-Flensburg Cooperation

Peter Lorenzen
Founder of the Flensburg-Penza Friendship Society

Swetlana Krätzschmar
Ex-president of the city of Flensburg,
Honorary Doctor of PSU,
cooperation coordinator on the German side

Tatiana Razuvaeva
Head of International Projects Department,
cooperation coordinator on the Russian side

First contacts between Penza and Flensburg began in 2007 thanks to active public work by Peter Lorenzen. Being a grandson of Anatoly Lilienfeld-Toal, who was a Penza governor in 1910-1914, Peter Lorenzen annually came to Penza after retiring (in the past he was head of neurology department of DIAKO clinic), met with governor V. Bochkarev, established contacts between DIAKO medical centre and Penza Region Ministry of Healthcare and Burdenko Regional Hospital.

The next step in developing Flensburg-Penza cooperation was the partnership between educational establishments. The Flensburg-Penza Friendship Society was created at Penza State Pedagogical University, its coordinators were Peter Lorenzen (Flensburg) and Tatiana Razuvaeva (Penza). After Penza State Pedagogical University was merged with Penza State University, the cooperation with Flensburg went on.

Over the years of cooperation, more than 200 people took part in academic mobility programmes, events, educational and research projects. Since 2013, the annual Penza-Flensburg Congress has been held alternately in Flensburg and Penza.

Currently, cooperation is suspended.

Дата создания: 12.05.2020 14:16
Дата обновления: 17.07.2024 15:43