Software Engineering for Computers and Automated Systems

Degree: MASTER
Duration: 2 years (4 semesters)
ECTS: 120
Fields of study: developing software products, distributed information systems, systems with parallel data processing, high-performance systems,  communication protocols
Languages of instruction: Russian (English on request)


The programme provides master degree students with deep theoretical knowledge and skills to apply the knowledge into practice in the sphere of industrial design and development of software products. In the course of training the students acquire fundamental knowledge in informatics and allied science fields. The programme provides deep study of theory and practice of developing software for information systems with the use of modern methods and tools applied in software engineering.

Forms of in-class activity: lectures, laboratory classes, practical classes, review sessions, and students’ individual work.


research activity:
•    conducting research connected with the objects of professional activity;
•    using new development methods and improving the existing methods and algorithms of data processing in computer systems;
•    developing new formal methods of software engineering and improving the existing ones;
•    drawing up reports on the conducted research and publishing the research results;

project activity:
•    designing distributed information systems and their communication protocols;
•    designing systems with parallel data processing and high-performance systems;
•    designing systems software: compiler programmes, networking services, operational systems;
•    designing intermediary programming languages and data presentation;

production and technological activity:
•    developing skills of software implementation of computer systems, including distributed ones;
•    developing skills of software implementation of systems with parallel data processing and high-performance systems;
•    developing skills of designing software for analyzing and recognizing information, systems of digital signal processing;
•    developing skills of making translators and interpreters of programming languages;
•    developing skills of working out services of networking protocols;
•    participating in developing operational systems;
•    organizing industrial testing of the software.


On successful completion of the course the student should be able to:
•    acquire mathematical, natural science, social, economical and professional knowledge, develop and apply them to solve tasks, including those in a new or unknown environment in interdisciplinary context;
•    analyze professional information, highlight the most important points, structure, draft and present it in the form of analytical reviews with conclusions and recommendations;
•    use methods and tools of acquiring, storing, processing and translating information by means of computer technologies including global computer networks;
•    apply into practice skills of organizing research and project work, managing a team;
•    apply research methods;
•    design distributed information systems, their components and communication protocols;
•    design systems with parallel data processing and high-performance systems, their components;
•    organize industrial software testing;
•    use methods of developing software.


Professional activity of the master programme graduates includes industrial production of software for computer systems for various purposes. The graduates are employed at industrial enterprises, research organizations and private firms engaged in research and development, putting into operation and maintenance of software systems for various purposes.

On successful completion of the programme the graduates can take a post-graduate course.

Дата создания: 25.06.2019 16:15
Дата обновления: 25.06.2019 16:15