Power and Electrical Engineering: Power Systems and Networks

Duration: 4 years (8 semesters)
ECTS: 240
Fields of study: Electrical Engineering, Power Systems and Networks, a Complex of Technical Means, Ways and Methods of Process Implementation: Production, Ttransfer, Distribution, Transformation, Application and Energy Flow Control
Languages of instruction: Russian, English (on request)


The programme provides Bachelor’s degree students with academic knowledge and practical skills required in the field of power engineering and electrical engineering, capable of being a leader, working in a team, acting and winning in a competitive environment.

Forms of in-class activity: lectures, laboratory classes, practical classes, practical training at the enterprise review sessions, and students’ individual work.


research activity:
•    studying and analysing scientific and technical information;
•    using standard software packages for mathematical modelling of processes and modes of operation of objects;
•    conducting experiments according to a given method, compiling descriptions of the research and analysis of the results;
•    making reviews and reports on the work performed

project, research and development activity:
•    collecting and analysing basic data for projecting;
•    calculating and projecting professional activity objects in accordance with the technical specifications using standard design automation tools;
•    controlling the compliance of the developed projects and technical documentation with the standards, technical conditions and other regulatory documents;
•    carrying out justification of project calculations

engineering and manufacturing activity:
•     calculating schemes and parameters of equipment components;
•     calculating operating modes of professional activity objects;
•    monitoring operating modes of technological equipment;
•    ensuring production safety;
•    preparing and execution of standard technical documentation

installation-setup activity:
•    making installation, adjustment and testing professional activity objects

service and operational activity:
•    checking technical condition and residual resources, organizing preventive examinations, diagnosing and maintaining repair of professional activity objects;
•    making applications for equipment and spare parts;
•    preparing technical documentation for repairs.

management activity:
•    organising  small-group work;
•    planning skills for staff;
•    planning  work of the primary production units;
•    evaluating results of activities;
•    preparing data for decision-making


On successful completion of the course the student should be able to:
•    search, store, process and analyze information from various sources and databases, to present it in the required format using information, computer and network technologies;
•    apply the appropriate physical and mathematical apparatus, methods of analysis and modelling, theoretical and experimental research in solving professional problems;
•    use methods of analysis and modelling of electrical circuits;
•    participate in the projecting professional activity objects in accordance with the terms of reference and regulatory and technical documentation, observing various technical and environmental requirements;
•    determine the parameters of the equipment of professional activity objects;
•    calculate operating modes of professional activity objects;
•    provide the required modes and specified parameters of the process according to a given method;
•    use technical means to measure and control the main parameters of the process;
•    participate in the installation of equipment of professional activity objects;
•    participate in the testing commissioned electrical power and electrical equipment.


The graduates are employed in enterprises generating electricity, ensuring its transmission and distribution, at industrial and other enterprises, in research and development organizations. Bachelors have the opportunity to continue their studies under Master's degree programme.

Дата создания: 27.06.2019 09:42
Дата обновления: 27.06.2019 09:42