Teacher Training: Physical Education

Degree: MASTER
Duration: 2 years (4 semesters)
ECTS: 120
Fields of study: Physical Education
Languages of instruction: Russian, English (on request)



The master’s degree programme trains highly qualified staff capable of research work and practical work in the field of pedagogical education. The priority sphere of activity is physical education.

The programme provides master’s degree students with the knowledge of methodological approaches in theory and methods of teaching; forms professional pedagogical skills using health and fitness technologies. In the course of studies master’s degree students acquire technologies which contribute to optimization of human life and its prolongation, paying attention to its social, intellectual, mental and physical components.

Forms of in-class activity: lectures, seminars, laboratory classes, review sessions, and students’ individual work.




teaching activity:
•    apply modern methods and techniques of organizing educational activity, diagnosing and evaluating the quality of educational process according to different educational programs;
•    forming educational environment and using professional knowledge and skills in solving tasks of innovative educational policy;
•    managing the students’ research work;
•    developing and implementing methods, techniques and tools of teaching and learning, analyzing the results of their usage in educational establishments;
•    gaining experience in teaching;

research activity:
•    analyzing the research results, apply them when solving particular research tasks in science and education, do research on their own;
•    use individual creative abilities to solve research tasks on their own;

project activity:
•    designing educational environment, in particular, under the conditions of inclusion;
•    designing educational programmes and individual educational routes for students;
•    designing forms and control methods, assessment materials with the use of information technologies and based on national and international practices; 
•    designing the content of disciplines, technologies and methods of teaching;

management activity:
•    studying the state and potential of the system under management and its macro- and microenvironment by using a set of methods for strategic and operational analysis;
•    studying, organizing and evaluating the results of managerial process with the use of management technologies relevant to general and specific patterns of developing the system under management;
•    organizing team work for solving problems of educational establishments, for implementing experimental work;
•    using individual and group technologies of decision making in managing educational establishments;

cultural and educational activity:
•    studying and forming cultural needs of students and increasing cultural and educational level of different public groups;
•    developing the strategy for educational activity;
•    developing and implementing educational programmes to promote scientific knowledge and cultural traditions;
•    using modern information and communication technologies and mass media for solving cultural and educational problems.




On successful completion of the course the student should be able to:

•    understand abilities, needs and achievements of students of general educational institutions, specialized institutions, primary, secondary educational institutions, vocational and high education institutions; design individual routes for learning and developing in the sphere of physical education;
•    design educational programmes and individual educational routes when solving research problems;
•    develop research programmes and methods for their implementation;
•    evaluate the research results in the sphere of physical education with the use of modern scientific methods;
•    demonstrate the knowledge of educational and social environments to design new environments, including informational ones, to provide methodological support for teachers;
•    organize educational process with the use of technologies relevant to students’ needs and meeting modern requirements of pedagogy and psychology;
•    design the content of new disciplines and elective courses, forms and control methods, assessing materials;
•    plan and implement the route for professional self-education and personal growth, develop a further educational route and professional career;
•    demonstrate advanced knowledge in a research sphere and conduct research;
•    gain experience of writing a master’s degree thesis which will provide the basic skills for preparing research work of such a level. 




The graduates are employed in educational establishments of different types, in education authorities, in institutions of organizational and methodological support of educational process, in centres of analysis and monitoring of educational activity, in cultural establishments, research institutions, etc. On successful completion of the programme the graduates can take a post-graduate course.

Дата создания: 04.09.2019 15:03
Дата обновления: 04.09.2019 15:04