PSU initiates next stage of the ENTEP project

Within the ENTEP project, Penza State University proceeded to updating the content of disciplines on Teaching Methodology, Pedagogy and Psychology in MA curricula, taking into account the principles of student-centred teaching and learning. This is the final stage of the international ENTEP project, which should be implemented during 2020 – 2021.

Among the first lecturers to amend the curriculum in line with the recommendations of EUIs experts from the ENTEP consortium is Yuliya Kaftulina, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Theory and International Relations. She underwent training under the professional development programme “Enhancing teaching practice in terms of implementing the Bologna process principles” at PSU Centre for Teaching and Learning Erasmus+. Within this programme, trainees explored the basic principles and tools of the Bologna Process, principles of student-centred Enhancing teaching practice in terms of implementing the Bologna process principles (SCTL), innovative approaches and methods of learning outcomes assessment, as well as modern pedagogical approaches and teaching methods.

These data were integrated into the content of the discipline “Methods of teaching economic disciplines” (Master’s degree programme “International Economics”, field of study 38.04.01 “Economics”). The discipline programme was presented to EUIs experts and was highly appreciated.

This discipline aims at broadening students’ knowledge about new approaches to managing the educational process and applying modern methods and educational technologies developed by foreign and Russian scientists and academics. The objectives of the discipline are as follows:
•    advancing students’ understanding of the principles of the Bologna Process and student-centred teaching and learning;
•    introducing students to innovative teaching methods and techniques within student-centred teaching and learning;
•    providing students with the insight into the possibilities of using innovative information technologies in teaching;
•    upgrading students’ skills in applying innovative assessment methods and techniques that comply with learning outcomes;
•    making students familiar with the features of organising cooperative learning of students within the educational process.

It is planned to update several academic disciplines on Teaching Methodology, Pedagogy and Psychology in MA curricula through integrating modern psychological, pedagogical and methodological content. The updated programmes will be implemented in the 2020-2021 academic year.

Дата создания: 27.04.2020 09:58
Дата обновления: 27.04.2020 15:20