Information Systems Administration

Degree: MASTER
2 years (4 semesters)
Fields of study: modern information systems; technologies of organizing network interaction; services participating in information systems management
Language of instruction: Russian, English (on request)


The Master's degree programme forms knowledge how to apply modern technologies in in-formation systems from the design to the exploitation stage, generalizes theoretical knowledge with the help of particular examples of systems and services environment, forms special know-ledge in the field of managing modern systems and creating software.

Forms of in-class activity: lectures, laboratory classes, seminars, review sessions, and stu-dents’ individual work, research work, practice.


research activity:
•    creating mathematical models and research them using analytical methods; developing algorithms, methods, software, tools for research projects;
•    research of systems using methods of mathematical forecasting and systems analysis;
•    developing and applying up-to-date highly efficient computational technologies; applying modern supercomputers in the research;
•    studying new scientific outcomes, scientific literature or research projects in the field of applied mathematics and informatics according to the theme of the research;
•    making scientific reviews, reports and references, preparing research article on the theme of the research.

project and production and technological activity:
•    applying mathematical methods to research information and simulation models on the theme of applied research and development projects;
•    applying most advanced mathematical and informational technologies and programme packages for solving applied tasks in the field of physics, chemistry, biology, economics, medi-cine, and ecology;
•    researching automated systems and information processing tools, administration tools and methods of managing safety of computer networks;
•    designing elements of very large scale integration, simulating optical and quantum ele-ments and developing mathematical support for new generation computers;
•    developing computer networks software and infoware, automated systems of computa-tional complexes, services, operation systems and distributed data bases;
•    researching and developing algorithms, computational models and data models for im-plementing elements of new (or known) services of information technologies systems;
•    developing architecture, algorithmic and programme decisions of systems and applied software;
•     studying and developing programming languages, algorithms, libraries and programme packages, products of systems and applied software;
•    studying and developing systems of digital image processing, tools of computer graphics, multimedia and automated design;
•    developing and using mathematical and informational tools, automated systems in re-search and practice.

organizational and management activity:
•    developing procedures and processes of managing the quality of production activity con-nected with creating information technologies systems;
•    managing projects, planning production processes and resources, risk analysis, managing the project team;
•    acquiring professional ethics code;
•    organizing corporate training on the basis of electronic learning and mobile learning technologies, as well as developing corporate knowledge base;

regulatory and methodological activity:
•    participating in devising corporate technical policy in developing corporate infrastructure of informational technologies on open systems principles;
•    participating in developing corporate standards and profiles of functional standardization of applications, systems, and information infrastructure;

pedagogical activity:
•    teaching academic subjects using modern methodology;
•    teaching academic subjects using electronic learning methods;
•    counselling students on course papers and diploma projects at higher professional and vocational educational establishments on the themes of applied mathematics and information technologies;
•     conducting practical and laboratory classes and seminars in general mathematical sub-jects, delivering lectures in special subjects;
consulting activity:
•    making analytical reviews on the state in the field of applied mathematics and informatics in specialized training;
•    participating in departmental, industrial and state expert groups on expert evaluation of projects on the themes of specialized training of master degree educational programme;
•    consultancy on the themes of specialized training of master degree educational pro-gramme;
consortium activity:
•    participating in international projects connected with solving problems of mathematical simulating distributed systems, non-linear dynamic systems, systems analysis and mathematical forecasting of informational systems;
•    participating in professional network communities’ activities on particular directions of applied mathematics and information technologies development;
socially-oriented activity:
•    participating in development of corporate policy and events in the sphere of increasing social responsibility of business to society including developing and implementing decisions aimed at supporting socially significant projects, increasing public electronic literacy, providing wide accessibility of informational services.


On successful completion of the course the student should be able to:
•    use abstract thinking, analyse, synthesize;
•    act in non-standard situations, take social and ethical responsibility for the decisions taken;
•    aspire to self-development, self-fulfilment, use creative potential;
•    use and apply advanced knowledge in the field of applied mathematics and informatics;
•    communicate in written and spoken forms in Russian and foreign languages to solve pro-fessional problems;
•    manage the team in the sphere of their professional activity, be tolerant to social, ethnical, confessional and cultural differences;
•    acquire with the help of information technologies and use in their practical activity new knowledge and skills including those in new subject areas, not directly connected with profes-sional activity; expand and deepen their scientific horizons;
•    use and apply advanced knowledge in applied mathematics and informatics;
•    use advanced knowledge of legal and ethical norms when evaluating the consequences of their professional activity, when developing and implementing socially significant projects;
•    do research and obtain new scientific and applied results individually and as a member of a research team;
•    develop and analyse conceptual and theoretical models of research problems and tasks under consideration;
•    develop and apply mathematical methods, systems and applied software for solving sci-entific and project and technological tasks;
•    manage projects, plan research activity, analyse risks, supervise the research team;
•    organize the processes of corporate training on the basis of technologies for developing corporate databases;
•    develop and optimize business-plans of scientific and applied projects;
•    develop corporate standards and profiles of functional standardization of applications, systems, informational infrastructure;
•    teach mathematical subjects and informatics at general educational institutions, vocational organizations and higher educational establishments;
•    develop learning and teaching materials for electronic training;
•    develop analytical reviews on the condition of applied mathematics and information technologies sphere;
•    cooperate under international projects and network communities in the sphere of applied mathematics and information technologies;
•    perceive corporate policy in the sphere of increasing social responsibility of business to society, participate in its development.


The graduates can be employed in IT-enterprises, business and industrial organizations in-volved in creating, developing and applying information technologies systems, products and ser-vices.

On successful completion of the programme the graduates can take a post-graduate course.

Дата создания: 18.06.2019 10:15
Дата обновления: 18.06.2019 10:15